জেফরীর নায়ক ও এ কেইস অন করাপ্সন

-পড়ে শোনাও এবার আমি স্পষ্ট উচ্চারণে জোরালো গলায় পড়তে শুরু করলাম। এ ধরনের জরুরী অর্থপূর্ণ তবে প্রায় অর্থ শূন্য কাজে অদ্ভুতভাবে জড়িয়ে গেলাম। পণ্ডিত গবেষকদের সঙ্গে মাঝে মাঝে কিছু কাজ করে থাকি। পয়সাও সামান্য জোটে তবে এতে পয়সার চেয়ে বেশি

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Employment Opportunity

Dear Respected Community Members There are currently few call centre jobs vacancies at Australian Receivables Limited. If you are interested please contact with following person for further information and also follow the link to apply. To All Staff Currently we

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Gaan-wala'r Next Adda on Saturday 25th October 2014

Dear Respected Community members, Gaan-wala is delighted to invite you all to their next Gaaner-Adda in Melbourne. All members of your family and friends are cordially invited to enjoy this program. We look forward to your company. The details are:

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40th Anniversary of Bangladesh membership to the UN

Bangladesh celebrated the 40th anniversary of its formal entry to the United Nations this year as its 136th member. And now the number the membership of states is now 193 of the UN. 17th September is a significant date in

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Invitation to Play Badminton Starting from 12 October

Dear Community Members & Badminton Enthusiasts,Victorian Bangladeshi Sports Club an organization of “Victorian Bangladeshi Community Foundation” inviting it’s Badminton players from Bangladesh community to participate for the next school semester in its venue with a goal to create healthy community

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Adelaide Bangla School News – 2014

Dear Community Members, Please note that Adelaide Bangla School is closed on next three Sundays for School Term Break ( 28th September , 5th & 12th October 2014 ) and reopens on 19th October 2014 to begin Term – 4.

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Durga Puja Invitation, Adelaide

Dear community Members Happy Durga Puja to you all. We are very happy inform our members that BPCSSA has invited all BASSA members to join the celebration of Durga Puja – 2014 . Details of the program are attached. We

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The Bucket List: 15 Must-Do things in Bangladesh before you turn 30 !!!

If you are a Bangladeshi youth, you may have missed some of the most wonderful things-to-do here because of the stereotypical mindset and mostly, lack of information. It is not quite uncommon, thanks (?!) to the socio-economic reality of our

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Canberra Eid-ul Adha Saturday 4th October 2014

Eid-ul Adha 1435H/2014AD in Canberra has been advised by the Imams Council of the ACT for Saturday 4th October, 2014, IA. Salat-ul-Eid at the Canberra Mosque will be at 7:30am for an 8:00am start.[130 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla ACT 2600] Outdoor

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Canberra Eid-ul Adha Saturday 4th October 2014

Eid-ul Adha 1435H/2014AD in Canberra has been advised by the Imams Council of the ACT for Saturday 4th October, 2014, IA. Prayer location details pending. – EID MUBARAK! – EID KAREEM!

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Durga Puja Inviataion 2014 from Bangladesh Puja Celebration Committee

Dear community members, It is a pleasure to invite you/your family/friends to join us in celebrating Sri Sri Durga Puja (Goddess of Divne Energy) at the Hindu Temple and Cultural Centre, Florey, ACT on Saturday, 4th October 2014. On behalf

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Invitation for Annual Sports and Picnic organised by Western Region Bengali School Council

Dear Respected Parents & Community Members Victorian Bangladeshi Community Foundation (VBCF) in conjunction with Western Region Bengali School (WRBS) has organised an annual sports, family fun day and picnic for the Bangladeshi community living in Melbourne & surrounding suburbs. Details

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Invitation for VMS Durgotshob 2014

প্রিয় ভক্তবৃন্দ, বছর ঘুরে আবার এলো মা কে বরণের পালা। আমরা প্রফুল্লিত , আর আপনি নিশ্চয়ই তাই? আসুন সবাই মিলে মাকে নিয়ে করি আনন্দ। ভক্ত মন্দির সিডনী আপনাদের সকলকে জানাচ্ছে আগাম দুর্গা পূজার শুভেচ্ছা এবং সেই সাথে পূজা দেখার নিমন্ত্রণ।

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Fifth Annual Social Business Day in Dhaka: The theme is “We are job-givers”

Nobel Laureate Professor Yunus organises Annual Global Social Business Summit which will be held from 27 – 28 November 2014 in Mexico City. The last Global Summit was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Besides the Global Summit, ,Yunus Centre also

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Young Are The Least Contaminated

‘Young are the least contaminated’, said Mr Monirul Islam, a legendary artist in a one-to-one discussion in an Exhibition of Contemporary Art of Bangladesh, also known as ‘Songs of the Land’ on the 2nd of April 2014. A group of

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প্রবাসে বাংলা ভাষার প্রসারে সরকার ও আমাদের ব্যর্থতা

‘দুনিয়ার সবচেয়ে কঠিন কাজ হচ্ছে নিজকে সংশোধন করা এবং সবচেয়ে সহজ কাজ হচ্ছে অন্যের সমালোচনা করা [হযরত আলী (রাঃ)]’ এই মহামূল্যবান উদ্ধৃতাংশটুকু আমাদের জীবনের নিরিখে নানাভাবে আমরা বিশ্লেষন করতে পারি। বাংলাদেশের বর্তমান রাজনৈতিক সামাজিক প্রক্ষাপটে এটা স্পষ্ট যে আমরা নিজেরা

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SHUROLOK presents Musical Evening

SHUROLOK presents Ghoroa Ashor* SHUROLOK’s next Ghoroa Musical Evening is about celebrating the lives of Rabindranath, Nazrul and other poets of Bengal. The program will be dedicated to late Firoza Begum, legendary Nazrul exponent of the sub continent who passed

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Lecture on Social Business of tackling society's most pressing problems by Dr Yunus in Monash University

Social Business for Tackling Society’s Most Pressing Problems Monash University and the Monash Business School are proud to host a public lecture by Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and pioneer of microcredit and social business. The lecture

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Srotar Ashor's next program Iti Srotar Ashor 5pm October 18

Dear Srota, Srotar Ashor cordially invites you to our next program, Iti Srotar Ashor, on Saturday 18th of October, 2014. The theme of our program is letters and the wonderful expressions of love, friendship, and feelings articulated in the lines

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Bangladesh Foreign Minister’s visit to New Delhi: Will it be fruitful?

On 18th September, Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.H. Mahmood Ali leaves for New Delhi for a four day visit to attend the third meeting of Bangladesh–India Joint Consultative Commission with his counterpart. This will be the first visit of a senior

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কোথায় যাচ্ছে স্বদেশ

সুদর্শনা মেয়েটি শাড়ির উপরে ব্লাউজ পরেছে। পরে ৪৫ ডিগ্রি কোনে কোমর বাঁকিয়েছে। কি অসাধারণ সুন্দরী, সুদর্শনা কন্যা! ফর্সা গায়ের রং, মসৃণ, লাবণ্যময়ী! হরিণাক্ষী দু’টিও গাঢ় নীল! তিখা-লো নাক! টোলপড়া গোলাপ গালের বাঁ-পাশে বড় একটা কালো তিল! যদিও এই মেয়েকে নিয়েই

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