Tag "Quarantiny"

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Quarantiny – Chapter 9 – Day 10

Chapter 9Day 10Sunday 26 April 2020 “Happiness is when you are thankful to GODwith what you have, not what you do not have” Another very lazy Sunday. The third day of Ramadan. I could see the sky from my bed.

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Quarantiny – Chapter 8 – Day 9

Day 9Saturday 25 April 2020 “Learning new minimalistic ways of beingnot merely looking, but really seeing” ANZAC Day morning in Australia. Second day of Ramadan. It was quite late last night, when I went to bed. I woke up with

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Quarantiny – Chapter 8 – Day 8

Chapter 8 – Day 8 – Friday 24 April 2020 “You never know how strong you are,until being strong is the only choice you have” It was an interesting morning today. First day of Ramadan. The roof from the bed

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Quarantiny – Chapter 7 – Day 6

Chapter 7 – Day 6 – Wednesday 22 April 2020 “Challenging my limitsrather than limiting my challenges” I believe, I am developing new friendship in isolation. All the furniture in the room becoming my friends, they would like to share

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Quarantiny – Chapter 6 – Day 5

Day 5 – Tuesday 21 April 2020 “What I most like about this quarantineis who I share it with” Day 5. Door knock at 7:00 am, woke me up again. The breakfast call. After breakfast the normal call from the

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Quarantiny – Chapter 6 – Day 4

Day 4 – Monday 20 April 2020 “Sometime quarantine yourself because,only when the surround is empty,you search within” Thanks to Netflix movie theatre! As if, it was ‘introduced’ to comfort quarantined people. I really did not know, what would I

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Quarantiny – Chapter 5 – Day 3

Day 3Sunday 19 April 2020 “I wish I could fly on the Northern CloudOnce it reaches Canberra,I would like to come down as rainDrop onto my backyard and stay there for ever!” The regular 7:00am knock on the door woke

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Quarantiny – Chapter 5 – Day 2

Saturday 18 April 2020 “Quarantine being colour blind,constantly reminding how colourful the world is” There was a knock on the door that woke me up. It was 7:00am. I realised this was knock for the breakfast delivery. I walked towards

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Quarantiny – Chapter 3 – One Day Before Day 1

Thursday 16 April 2020 “A prerequisite of adaptability,you have to be happy with what you have” It is not that I was looking forward to this COVID-19 special flight to Australia this time, organised by the Australian High Commission in

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Quarantiny – Chapter 2 Pre-Quarantine

“We will get through it andwe will come out stronger” We are the surrounded by the 21st Century Quarantine “Diplomacy”! When we feel, the challenges are so huge, too overwhelming, it bears remembering that we are all on our way,

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Quarantiny – 14 Days in Isolation 2020 – Chapter 1

14 Days in Isolation 2020 due to COVID-19 (Dedicated to the front-line fighters helping us to win our COVID-19 war) Who could have predicted that in our generation, we will face a pandemic! Who knew that some of us may

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