The Bucket List: 15 Must-Do things in Bangladesh before you turn 30 !!!

If you are a Bangladeshi youth, you may have missed some of the most wonderful things-to-do here because of the stereotypical mindset and mostly, lack of information. It is not quite uncommon, thanks (?!) to the socio-economic reality of our

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Canberra Eid-ul Adha Saturday 4th October 2014

Eid-ul Adha 1435H/2014AD in Canberra has been advised by the Imams Council of the ACT for Saturday 4th October, 2014, IA. Salat-ul-Eid at the Canberra Mosque will be at 7:30am for an 8:00am start.[130 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla ACT 2600] Outdoor

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Canberra Eid-ul Adha Saturday 4th October 2014

Eid-ul Adha 1435H/2014AD in Canberra has been advised by the Imams Council of the ACT for Saturday 4th October, 2014, IA. Prayer location details pending. – EID MUBARAK! – EID KAREEM!

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