LWFB @ Cockington Green Garden’s 40th Anniversary

It gives me immense pleasure inviting you to Cockington Green Gardens 40th Anniversary where Let’s Work for Bangladesh (LWFB) will be selling traditional Bangladeshi food to raise funds for their projects – Empowering under privileged children of Bangladesh.
You may be aware the ticket price for Cockington Green Gardens is $21/per person. On the day it’s FREE ENTRY!
You’re expected to donate a gold coin towards Children’s Medical Research Institute.
A Facebook event has been created for this – https://www.facebook.com/events/520302138760743/
Our long awaited project, building miniature Bangladesh National Parliament Building (বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় সংসদ ভবন) is complete and put on display at Cockington Green Gardens. This is a very proud moment for every Bangladeshi residing in Australia and LWFB is extremely proud to be a part of this project. This year we’re marking our 10th anniversary and we’re celebrating it with a BANG! Thanks to you all for your tremendous support as usual.
LWFB is extremely grateful to the following people for the successful completion of this project –
- Mr. Asaduzzaman Noor MP, ex Cultural Minister, Bangladesh
- HE Mohammed Sufiur Rahman, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Australia, New Zealand & Fiji
- Mr. Ekram Ahmed, ex Chairman, Bangladesh Public Service Commission
- Ms. Surayya Akhtar Jahan, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
- Ms. Farida Yasmeen, First Secretary, Bangladesh High Commission Australia
- Mark Sarah, General Manager – Cockington Green Gardens.
Please click the below link to view the video which Cockington Green Gardens have created for their newest display.
Look forward to seeing you all on the day.
Kind regards
Shamsuddin Shafi Biplob
EC 2019 – 20
www.letsworkforbangladesh.org www.facebook.com/Lets-work-for-Bangladesh-LWFB-Inc
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