Welcome Reception of Engr. Md. Abdus Sabur,IEB President & Mrs. Yasmin Rahman, Chairperson, Mohila Committee, IEB

Venue: BONOLOTA, 23-25 Frederick St, Rockdale, NSW 2216
Date: 10th June 2019
The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB) Australia Overseas Chapter organised a warm welcome reception for Honourable IEB President Engr. Md. Abdus Sabur & Mrs. Yasmin Rahman, Chairperson, Mohila Committee on 10th June 2019 held at BONOLOTA, 23-25 Frederick St, Rockdale, NSW 2216. There were over 100 engineers and families attended in the reception lunch within only few days invitation notice.
The program starts with a Quran recitation by Engr. Rashid Ahmed Patwary and then Bangladesh national anthem by all participants. This was followed by chairing of IEB Australia chapter’s chairman and Secretary Engr. Abdul Matin and Engr. Dr. AHM Kamruzzaman, IEB President Engr. Md. Abdus Sabur & Chairperson, Mohila Committee, IEB Mrs. Yasmin Rahman. The honourable president and chairperson were welcomed with flowers by Engr. Dr Zahidul Hoque and Engr. Rashid Ahmed Patwary respectively. The MC of the program was Engr. Mr. Shafiq Shuvo.

Following the introduction of IEB Australia chapter’s executive members by Engr. Hasan Ziad, Dr. Kamruzzaman delivered an insightful presentation on the topic “Washington Accord Accreditation-IEB Australia chapter’s initiative”. Dr. Kamruzzaman addressed various challenges including applying for the full signatory of Washington Accreditation status of BD engineering universities and how IEB Australia chapter can be of help for the accreditation process. The presentation was also focused on the continuing professional development of BD engineers living in Australia, including CPEng seminar organised by IEB Australia chapter in cooperation with Engineers Australia (EA) for 120 engineers on 4th of December 2018. The honourable president was excited with the contents of the presentation and IEB Australia chapter’s various activities, in particular working towards Washington Accord Accreditation, and committed to present the information in the upcoming IEB meeting in Dhaka.
Subsequent to the presentation, presidents of various BD universities alumni associations namely; BUET, KUET, RUET, CUET and BAU each of them delivered a short speech on “How IEB Australia chapter is integrated with individual university association for working towards the achievement of Washington Accord Accreditation”. Thereafter, IEB President Engr. Sabur delivered an important speech to the guests with more emphasis given on “How IEB and BAETE are working with international engineering alliance members to get the full Washington Accord Accreditation by 2020”. Mr. Sabur also addressed various other IEB activities including scholarship program for the dedicated and departed engineer’s children. The president gave highest appreciation to IEB Australia Overseas chapter as being the best chapter winner in 2019, and being working on Washington Accord with Engineers Australia (EA) relentlessly.
Finally, Dr Rafiqul Islam handed over a crest to Engr. Md Abdus Sabur, while Engr. Mr Sohel Karim presented an appreciation gift to Mrs. Yasmin Rahman. On behalf of The Institution of Agricultural Engineers (IAE) in Sydney, a crest is also handed over to the president by Mr. Abdus Sadeque, IAE president and IAE Secretary Paramesh Bhattacharya. The closing remarks speech was delivered by Engr. Abdul Matin with the emphasis given to various mission and vision of IEB Australia chapter. At the end of the lunch, a short cultural program was initiated by the famous singer Mrs. Amia Matin.
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