Is Minecraft Really Just a Game?

As a young student, I love games, especially one called Minecraft. Every time I hop on to this, so-called, game, my parents think I’m wasting my time, or am I? Minecraft has some amazing ways to help children learn about

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BASSA membership subscription payment 2014 – 2015

Dear BASSA Members , Please note that BASSA financial year 2014 – 2015 and those of you haven’t paid your membership subscription ($25 per adult), please come to Bangla School, 8 Surrey Road, Keswick during the school days and pay

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BADRC – Appeal for Donations

Bangladesh Australia Disaster Relief Committee (BADRC) CFN – 16441 Appeal for Donations The BADRC is a registered charity established in 1998. Since its establishment it has been raising funds and helping disadvantaged as well as some of the millions affected

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