Baby survives landslide in Bangladesh

By Pavel Rahman (AP)Published: 2008-07-06 05:40:04 Location: TEKNAF, Bangladesh A baby girl was pulled from the rubble unharmed Sunday after a landslide destroyed her family’s home in southern Bangladesh, killing her parents and two older siblings, an official said. Rescuers

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Thousands marooned by heavy rains in Bangladesh

CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh (AFP) — At least 20 people have died and more than 20,000 left marooned as heavy rains over the past week triggered landslides and floods in southeast Bangladesh, an official said Sunday. Three landslides caused by torrential monsoon

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Will Bangladesh accord recognition to Kosovo?

It is reported Bangladesh has not yet firmed up its stance on the question of recognising Kosovo’s independence, despite persistent diplomatic presentation by US Ambassador James Moriarty, who met Foreign Adviser Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury on 1st July for the second

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Ranatunga enjoins big Asian countries to help Bangladesh

Karachi, July 5 (PTI) Former Sri Lanka captain Arjuna Ranatunga has adjured the big three teams of Asia –India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka — to help Bangladesh lift the standard of their game at the international level. Ranatunga, the outgoing

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Robbers shoot charity worker

Harriet Alexander and Arjun RamachandranJuly 3, 2008 A Sydney charity worker who lived by the code "bad things happen when good people do nothing" has been shot dead in Tanzania. Darren Stratti, 36, who had professed to having a "strange

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Prices galloping out of control

Triggered by the recent rise in the fuel prices, the prices of essential commodities in the city got a fresh spell of upswing and, according to market sources, it would continue for at least another two weeks multiplying the sufferings

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A Journey by Plane _ Jontu Miah’s Sydney visit

Recently I came across a very simple, ordinary and down to earth person who is visiting Sydney now for a very special reason. His name is Jontu Miah, in typical Bdeshi society/class system; he is nothing but a maid or

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Eid Mela in Melbourne on Saturday, 30th of August, 2008

It is our great pleasure to inform you all that Ronggon has organised an "Eid Mela" to welcome the month of holy Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr 2008. Venue : Chandler Community Centre, Issac Road, Keysborough, Melway Ref: 89 G 7Date: Saturday,

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State of Governance in Bangladesh in 2007

Governance ordinarily means power of governing or method of government. Various agencies have defined governance in different ways and some say an intellectual “cottage industry” has arisen around the definition of this term. The 1992 Commission of Global Governance defines

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Bangladesh High Commission, Press Release: Special benefits for 2009 to NRBs

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra; 01 July 2008; Press Release Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, has invited applications from Non-Resident Bangladeshis for selecting beneficiaries for offering special benefits in 2009. The Non-Resident

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বাংলার বিভিন্ন অঞ্চলের ৩২ বিখ্যাত খাবার

১. বগুড়ার দই২. টাঙ্গাইলের চমচম৩. ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়ার তালের বড়া৪. বাঘাবাড়ির ঘি ৫. নওগাঁর প্যারা সন্দেশ৬. নাটোরের কাচাগোল্লা৭. মুক্তাগাছার মণ্ডা৮. মাদারীপুরের গুড়৯. কিশোরগঞ্জ-নেত্রকোণার বালিশ মিষ্টি১০. ময়মনসিংহের আমিরতি১১. কুমিল্লার রসমালাই১২. নোয়াখালীর নারকেল নাড়– ও ম্যাড়া পিঠা১৩. চট্টগ্রামের শুটকি১৪. সিলেটের পাঁচলেয়ার চা১৫. সিলেটের চুঙ্গাপুড়া১৬.

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