জাতীয় শোক দিবস ২০০৮ ও সংগঠনের নির্বাচন সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞপ্তি সিডনিতে ১৬ই আগস্ট ০৮

বঙ্গবন্ধু পরিষদ অস্টেণ্ডলিয়া ইনক Bangabandhu Society of AustraliaRegd. No. Y2650818, Charity Regd No. CFN17511, ABN 24 508 656 জাতীয় শোক দিবস ২০০৮ প্রিয় সূধীপনেরো আগস্ট ১৯৭৫, বাঙ্গালী জাতির ইতিহাসে একটি চরম ঘৃন্যিত ও বেদনাবিধুর দিন। খুনী মোস্তাক ও তার গঙেরা

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Bend it Like Bollywood – A Mega Musical Dance Event in Melbourne 20 Sept 08

Dear Bollywood lovers, Exciting times are here again! India’s Ace choreographer Shiamak Davar’s team from Melbourne is here with his specially choreographed show ‘BEND IT LIKE BOLLYWOOD’. BEND IT LIKE BOLLYWOOD- presented by Events India Inc. and performed by Shiamak’s

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Shornali Shandha in Melbourne on 19 July 08

Dear Community Members I am inviting you on behalf of Bangladesh Cultural Group Inc (BCGI) to enjoy a colourful evening "Shornali Shandha"on 19 July, a function on OLD SONGS. Renowned vocal artists of Melbourne are committed to join voluntarily to

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Opportunity for Expatriate Bangladeshis to Work in Bangladesh!

In 2004, the Local Consultative Group (LCG) on microfinance carried out a sector review of the Microfinance Industry in Bangladesh. This review, supplemented by a series of papers on issues in the microfinance sector concluded that the donors need to

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Donation for Tauranga Mosque, New Zealand

Dear Brothers Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu. With the blessing of almighty Allah swt, Tauranga Muslim Association have signed an agreement to purchase a Church at Tauranga for a mosque. It is ready to use for the first mosque

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