Bangladesh High Commission, Press Release: Special benefits for 2009 to NRBs

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra; 01 July 2008; Press Release
Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, has invited applications from Non-Resident Bangladeshis for selecting beneficiaries for offering special benefits in 2009. The Non-Resident Bangladeshis, who have sent remittance amounting to at least US$ 5,000.00 (United States Dollar Five Thousand) only or equivalent foreign currency to Bangladesh in the fiscal year 2007-2008 through legitimate banking channel are eligible to apply. Detailed information and application form are available on the website of the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment (
Interested Non-Resident Bangladeshis living in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji are requested to send filled-in applications and all required documents to Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra, Australia, by 31 July 2008 by postal / courier service. The documents must NOT be faxed or e-mailed to the High Commission. As the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment wants the passport size photograph of the applicant to be attested by the High Commission, the applicants are requested to kindly send photocopies of first seven pages of their Bangladesh Passports along with application forms and other documents. Name of the applicant should be written clearly in English (as the name appears on Passport) on the back of the passport size photograph. All the applicants are also requested to kindly mention their telephone / mobile numbers and e-mail addresses at the ‘Present Address’ section on the application forms so that they can be contacted by concerned authorities, if required.
All applications should be sent to the following address:
Consular Section
Bangladesh High Commission
43 Culgoa Circuit
ACT 2606