ATN’s Rabindra Sangeet Sandhya by Anima Roy Live program

ATN’s Rabindra Sangeet Sandhya by Anima Roy Live program

ATN’s Rabindra Sangeet Sandhya by Anima Roy Live program on 17 June 23 at

Belco Arts Centre, 118 Emu Bank , Belconen ACT 2617.

Accompanying professional musicians Abhijit Dan (Tabla), Hasan Zayeed (Guitar), and Debz Guha (Keyboard) from Sydney will showcase their skills, where every musician’s talent will truly shine.

You will also have an opportunity to experience an eye-catching dance performance by Arpita and her team (Sydney) and Canberra’s young talent Raktima DasGupta. 

Our ticket prices are, $35 and $25 pp and children under 7 are free. You can buy tickets online from or ticket hotlines 0425070270 or 0402567824.

We will start our program at 6pm sharp. Please come little bit earlier and Please note catering will be provided by popular BDDine Restaurant. Chicken, mutton and veggie Biriyani will be sold. We encourage you to pre-order your food as we will only cater for those who have placed order. Please contact Shahidul on 0411 395 289 to confirm your catering need.

Hope to see you all on 17 June at Belco Arts Centre, this is a  show you definitely do not want to miss!

We appreciate your help and looking forward to seeing you all on 17 June 2023. Regards ATN Canberra

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