Melody Queen Nancy’s Live in Concert Canberra

Melody Queen Nancy’s Live in Concert Canberra

ATN Canberra is proudly announcing the Melody Queen’s Nancy’s Live in Concert in Canberra on 2 November 18 at Gungahlin College Theatre.

Please mark your diary –

Date: 2 Nov 2018

Venue: Gungahlin College Theatre, 23 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912

Time: 7.30 pm Sharp. Kindly arrive by 6.45 pm and collect your tickets at gate.

This is a great opportunity for the Canberrans to enjoy modern Bengali and folk song at very nominal price. Our artist Nazmun Munira Nancy is a famous Bangladeshi playback singer. She received the National Film Award of Bangladesh in 2011 for her play back in the film Projapoti and received Meril Prothom Alo Awards for six times. Some of her super hit songs are “ Prithibir Joto Shukh”, “Dwidha”, “Akash Chhowa Bhalobasa” “Hawaye Hawaye Dolna Doley” etc.

Check out the latest Nancy’s music video on YouTube

The tickets are on sale! To secure your ticket and avoid disappointment, please go online and book your ticket at link

For group booking please contact Newton on 0425 070 270 or Tarek 0409360006

Our ticket price :

* Platinum $50
* Gold $35
* Silver $25,
* Children $5 under 12 years.

Catering will be provided by popular PunchForon Restaurant & Sweets. Chicken Pulao with an egg including a soft drink or vegetable Pulao with a drink will be sold but we encourage you to pre-order your food as we will only cater for those who have placed order. Please contact Kabir on 0425 505 019 to confirm your catering need.

Hope to see you all on 2 Nov 2018; this is a show you definitely do not want to miss!

We appreciate your help and looking forward to seeing you all on 2 Nov 18.


ATN Canberra

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1 comment

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  1. Istiak
    Istiak 14 October, 2018, 12:52

    বাহ বাহ ভাল খবর ,
    ব্যান্ড শো হচ্ছে Goulburn হলে কাছে হতো ধন্যবাদ

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