Jalsha musical night Saturday 11 August 2018 in Canberra

Jalsha musical night Saturday 11 August 2018 in Canberra

Dear Friends and Music Lovers,

We are pleased to invite you to upcoming Jalsha musical night (Episode–13).

When: Saturday 11 August 2018, 6:30 pm
Where: Taylor Primary School, Marconi Crescent, Kambah, ACT 2902

Musicians performing:
Refat Bita (Vocal)
Robin Guda (Vocal)
Hasan Zayeed (Guitar)
Rana Khan (Guitar)
Mohammed Khan Mintoo (Bass)
Abhijit Dan (Tabla)

Entry: $10.00 for adults & $5.00 for children aged 6-15 (free for children aged 5 or below).

Please note that catering will be provided by Mr Shahidul. Please contact Shahidul @ 0411 395 289 to confirm your catering needs.

Jalsha is purely a non-profit initiative to promote sub-continental music through live performances. Jalsha is supported by Dhrupad Australia and Priyo Australia.

Please feel free to share this event with your friends.

We look forward to sharing with you another Jalsha enchanting evening.

Thank you.

Robin Guda (on behalf of the organisers)

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1 comment

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  1. istiak
    istiak 8 August, 2018, 16:54

    খুব ভাল খবর, এই ধরনের ব্যান্ডের প্রোগ্রাম আয়োজন করার জন্য boss Dhrupad Australia and Priyo Australia ধন্যবাদ এধরণের ব্যান্ড এর জন্য খুব গর্বিত।

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