94th anniversary of the Foundation of DU

94th anniversary of the Foundation of DU

“This University is Dacca’s greatest possession, and will do more than anything else to increase and spread the fame of Dacca beyond the limits of Bengal or even of India itself.”
Lord Lytton, February 1923

How did we fare!!

Fellow Alumnus

To celebrate the 94th anniversary of the Foundation of Dhaka University a gathering of the alumni has been organised. Let us relive our sweetest memories at our Dear Alma Mater.

We are glad to be able to announce that the President of the DU Alumni Association, Janab Raquibul Hassan will be with us on the occassion. Professor Atiqul Islam, ex Pro Vice-Chancellor, Edith Cowan Universty (ECU) will also be present.

We are expecting the High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Australia, a DU
himself, will be able to join us with same spirit.

You are most cordially invited to join the celebrations and share your fond memories with the fellow alumni of the institution that has far surpassed Lord Lytton’s expectations.
Date: 7 August, Friday
Place : Canberra Seniors Club
10 Watson Street, Turner, CBD
Time 6 pm Sharp

Light food will be served

Note: $5 contribution for hall hire & food will be appreciated.

Please CONFIRM your Participation by email – duaa.canberra.com, SMS Asap. All graduate from Dhaka University is Welcome

To get update information please visit priyoAustralia or Our Face Book/DUAAC,Canberra, Australia

With Warm regards
Ali Hosain 0412811662 hosain@homemail.com.au
Borhan Ahmed 0421553171 borhan_ahmed@hotmail.com
Kamrul Ahsan Khan 0452441952 kamrulk@gmail.com


On behlaf of DUAAC Team

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