Sitara’s Story’s #dearmum campaign – Essay Writing Contest

Sitara’s Story’s #dearmum campaign – Essay Writing Contest

Essay Writing Contest

What is Sitara’s Story’s #dearmum campaign?

It is an essay writing competition where everyone is invited to explore their own mental wellbeing. Entrants are asked to write a letter to their mother (or other important family figure) on any topic they choose. The letter could be introducing something they wish they could discuss with their mother/significant other face to face, it might be about feelings (good and bad) or it might be acknowledging Mum’s/other significant other’s support. Sharing stories with mother or other family member/s aligns with this year’s Mental Health Month theme of “Stronger Together”.

Let’s find the writer within you

SiTara’s Story presents a writing contest that offers great prizes. To win the contest, all you need to do is donate $5 to our account, and write up the best essay/story/letter you can. Be original, argue your case thoughtfully, and bring out some new and interesting points, and you can be in with a chance of winning.

How to enter

All you have to do is donate $5 only (Name: Sitaras Story Incorporated, BSB: 032778, ACC: 554756, please put your name in the reference box), write your story, then ‘like’ SiTara’s Story’s Facebook page. Once you’ve done that, send us an email with your essay and bank reference number of your donation so we can confirm you’re eligible to enter the contest.

Please send your submissions to

Do you think you have what it takes?

Then get writing and let us know!



All entries must be sent to us between October 15, 2017 – November 30, 2017.

The winners will be announced on December 15th, 2017.


  • Donate $5 to Sitaras Story

Account details

Name: Sitaras Story Incorporated

BSB: 032778, ACC: 554756,

(Please put your name in the reference box)

  • All entries must be your own original work.
  • All entries should be between 600-800 words.
  • All entries must be written in English only.
  • Entries can be submitted in the following file formats: .doc, .pdf, and .docx. Images can be used in your essay if you feel that they are necessary to your work.
  • Please provide your contact details in email.


Our highly qualified, mental health experts will be judging entries to this competition. Thanks to their combined years of experience in the field, they know exactly what to look for in the perfect essay. Make sure you submit your best work in order to get their attention!

This campaign is being held in partnership with Post and Antenatal Depression Support and Information (PANDSI).

Why you should enter

Firstly, the top two entries will win fantastic prizes, and who can say no to that? Also, your work will be confirmed as being top quality by our judges, and your entry will be put on display as a great example of creative writing.

But most importantly

  • It encourages you to speak up about your feelings to break down communication barriers
  • To be creative and expand your education
  • To recognise the important role of those closest to you in your mental wellbeing
  • To help Sitara’s Story raise funds for Mental Health Awareness Program in Bangladesh

Still think you have what it takes? Pick your topic and get started! We’re excited to see what the entrants come up with, and hopefully you’ll get in some creative writing practice while you’re competing for first place. Make sure you read the guidelines closely before you begin, and good luck!

More details at

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