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On departure of Pamela Bone by Dilruba Shahana

This is sad to know that Pamela Bone is no more there to write her column. She is the one while I disagreed angrily with her she still wrote personally to me to explain her views. Yes, I disagreed with

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My Boss Told Me to Come

Mr. V. Toxo is a 39-year-old senior Executive official came to a private Psychiatrist. "My boss thinks I need help with my management style." He stated the reason to the Psychiatrist. Mr.Toxo first confirms with the Psychiatrist that the content

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ক্যানবেরার খেরোখাতা ১ (originally wirtten for

ব্লগ জীবনের শুরুতে অনেকের দেখাদেখি আমিও প্রবাস জীবন নিয়ে কিছু লেখার চেস্টা করেছিলাম। ভেবেছিলাম অন্যসব লেখার মাঝে মাঝে নিত্যকার কিছু ঘটনা,অনুভূতি ব্লগের পাতায় লিখে রাখবো। তবে অস্থিরমনা অলস মানুষদের যা হয় আমারও সেই একই দশা। লেখা আর হয়ে উঠেনি। ভাবছি

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‘Peace train’ between Dhaka and Kolkata: A new era of relationship?

The opening of the passenger train service on 14th April on Bengali New Year’s day between Dhaka and Kolkata, has ended the 43 year hiatus in Dhaka-Kolkata rail link. The passenger train that was introduced during the British days was

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The IPL Revolution _ It’s now reality by Nawshad Shah

The much anticipated and sometime controversial Indian Premier League (IPL) is going to start from 18th April (Friday). We have heard of houses being auctioned off, as also cars, memorabilia, stocks and shares. But in an innovative and historic scheme,

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Evening Stars by Abrar Ahmed 0

Evening Stars Happiness and laughter is All I offer to you,Pride and pleasurePeace and joy, all wrapped in love, I gift them all No matter where I am or where I may be, asEvening stars I shall twinkle on.Sense of

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Bangladesh Politics : When Time entered in the tunnel

It was clearly visible to the people of Bangladesh the failure of the above two top leaders prior to 1 /11 as they failed to exhibit statesmanship and which end in so-called “ Derailed Train” situation. Since 1/11 the two

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Global Rising Food Prices: What Bangladesh can do? By Barrister Harun ur Rashid

It is the new face of catastrophe with a storm of food scarcity, global warming, rocketing oil prices and the world population explosion that is plunging humanity into the biggest crisis of the 21st century by pushing up food prices

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My Son isn't Doing Well in School!

Temmy is a 7-year-old boy brought in by his mother to Child Psychiatrist at the school’s recommendation. Temmy’s mother Mrs. Rose describes Temmy as exuberant, and "always running." He went to a preschool where "free play was encouraged." Since he

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যে রোগে শিশু পড়তে চায় না ডিসলেক্সিয়া বা অক্ষর অন্ধত্ব

যারা হিন্দি সিনেমার খবর রাখেন তারা হয়তো রিসেন্টলি রিলিজ হওয়া আমির খানের মুভিটি দেখেছেন। হ্যা, আমি তারে জামিন পার মুভিটির কথা বলছি। ডিসলেক্সিয়া বা অক্ষর অন্ধত্ব রোগটিকে কেন্দ্র করে গড়ে উঠেছে এ মুভির কাহিনী। আমাদের দেশে অনেক শিশু এ রোগে

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Migrants and Remittances: Strategies for Future

The remittances from migrants contribute significantly to Bangladesh’s socio-economic development. The remittances have a multiplier effect not only for the family members but also for the people in general. It is reported that about 5 million Bangladeshi workers are now

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My Wife is having an Affair… is it true?

Mr. P. Piccadilly is a 35-year-old married man who runs a Gas station. He has been referred to a private psychiatrist for assessment by his family doctor. His wife accompanies him. His family doctor is concerned, as Mrs. Piccadilly reported

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মহান মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক চলচ্চিত্রের তালিকা

চলচ্চিত্র: ১। অরুণোদয়ের অগ্নিসাক্ষী : সুভাষ দত্ত; (১৯৭৪)২। ওরা ১১ জন : চাষী নজরুল ইসলাম; (১৯৭২)৩। আবার তোরা মানুষ হ : খান আতাউর রহমান (ফারুক,ববিতা)৪। রক্তাক্ত বাংলা (কবরী,বিশ্বজিৎ)৫। বাঘা বাঙ্গালি : আনন্দ৬। একাত্তরের যীশু : নাসিরুদ্দিন ইউসুফ; (১৯৯৫);(শাহরিয়ার কবিরের উপন্যাস

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A Message from Ltn Genaral Harun-ur–Rashid, Bir Protik on Ouderland Memorial Commitee Film Festival

Memebers of Ouderland memorial committee& member of Bangladesh-Australian Community in Australia Dear Friends, Thank you for the invitation to the film festival. I am feeling very excited about the event. I wish I could join you on the occasion. Any

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A Message from Mirza Shamsuzzaman, Former High Commissioner to Australia, Adviser Ouderland memorial committee

Ouderland Memorial Committee in Canberra Distinguished Guests,Excellencies,Ladies & Gentlemen,Assalamu Alaikum and Good afternoon, First of all please allow me to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the organisers of todays event, the Ouderland Memorial Committee in Canberra, for inviting

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একুশ আমাদের দেশ ও দেশের মানুষকে নিয়ে ভাবিয়ে তোলে : কামরুল আহসান খান

প্রতি বছর একুশ আমাদের দেশ ও দেশের মানুষকে নিয়ে ভাবিয়ে তোলে । নিজ আত্মপরিচয়ে সার্বিক স্বকীয়তাসহ আরো ভালোভাবে বেঁচে থাকার জন্য একুশ যে জাতিসত্ত্বাবোধ নিয়ে মাথা তুলে দাঁড়িয়েছিল, তা পরবর্তী সময়ে বহু বাধা ও প্রতিবন্ধকতার মুখোমুখি হয়েছে। কায়েমী স্বার্থ, সামপ্রদায়িক,

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21st February: Are we achieving the goal of the language martyrs?

21st February is a day of national mourning and reflection. It is the Language Martyr’s Day. On this day in 1952, Barkat, Rafiq, Shafiur, Jabbar and Salam and many others sacrificed their young precious lives for honour and preservation of

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I too am ‘sorry’ – Sabrina Quader

If I could apologise a thousand times over I would. Even though I was not even born in 1970, when the last of the forcible retrieval of indigenous children had taken place, nor have I had direct contact with anyone

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My Feelings on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s Apology to Australia’s Stolen Generations

Today, the 13th of February 2008, is National Reconciliation Day. This is truly a historic day for Australia. The Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Kevin Rudd, by addressing his unconditional apology to the “people of oldest continuing cultures in human

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