Posts From Abdul Quader

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Abdul Quader

Abdul Quader

Creative destruction or destructive creation?

Human beings are creative. Creativity is the mother of necessity. As human beings we have created new things and destructed old things in our journey of life from time immemorial. We have made changes to suit our needs and to

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Bangladesh exports to Australia accelerating

Bangladesh exports to Australia in recent years have been impressive. The total value of exports in Australian currency increased from $119 million in 2008-09 to $305 million in 2011-12 – an increase of 156 per cent in three years. The

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Social unrest – cosmos out of chaos

National development of a country depends on a number of factors such as its natural resources, education, quality of labour, technologies, social values and attitude and governance structure. Continuing social unrest can harm vital the fabric of a society and

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Innovate or perish – who cares about tomorrow?

Investment in research and development (R&D), science and technology can stimulate sustainable and longer-term economic growth of a country – be it an advanced country or a developing country. Technological development arising from R&D activities plays a critical role in

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Travel to US and Europe – Reflecting on the morning of hope

We had a good time in New York. We did what we could reasonably do in about a week. As planned, we left New York on 29 December for Washington by bus which I booked online before leaving Canberra. It

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Justice of the Peace – origin and role

A Justice of the Peace (JP) is essentially an officer appointed by the government (federal or state) to carry out a range of functions of semi-judicial nature as defined by law. The functions of the JP depend on the jurisdiction

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Travel to US and Europe – tall buildings, tall talk

We woke up around mid morning on 24th December. All of us felt very tired and exhausted on the second day in New York. I was thinking what we should do today – the day was relatively warm and fine,

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Travel to US and Europe – Tipping an American Culture

It was Airbus A380 that we flew on the first leg of our journey from Sydney to Los Angeles (LA). Any long flight is a nightmare for me, as it may be for some other air travellers. I can’t sleep

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Travel to the US and Europe – overview

Travel is self-fulfilling in many ways. Visiting new places provide us with the opportunity to learn new things and enable us to have different perspectives of the world view. Coming into contact with new places and people in different countries

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Mum never told a lie – A poem by Abdul Quader

Mum never told a lie Abdul Quader Can mum tell a lie? I believe whatever mum Used to tell was true. In my childhood days, Mum told a fairy lived in the moon. In my childhood days, Mum told an

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Life is a tale told by an idiot

Sometimes we pose a question to ourselves “What is life?” We contemplate about the purpose of life and how it should be lived in the broader context of the society and the environment we confront each day. This boils down

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Life is a tale told by an idiot

Sometimes we pose a question to ourselves “What is life?” We contemplate about the purpose of life and how it should be lived in the broader context of the society and the environment we confront each day. This boils down

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Politics in the gutter and stars in the sky

A truly democratic and civilised society makes progress through the development and nurturing of right political, social and cultural institutions in the country. Politics shapes the structure and functioning of these institutions. People repose their trust in the politicians as

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Hasina’s peace model and realities on the ground

Recently in New York, the Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina presented her new global peace model for development at the 66th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly. She stated that her peace-centric development model was inspired by her

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Free transit to India and the ‘civilised’ economic affairs adviser to the prime minister

Freedom of transit through the territory of one country to another country is a standard trade practice under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules. Article V of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) updated in 1994 stipulates the

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Decoding jute plant genome – an eye opener

Decoding jute plant genome is a breakthrough in the field of genomics research and biotechnology. It is a great achievement on the part of a Bangladeshi research scientist Dr Maqsudul Alam assisted by a dedicated team of researchers from the

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Democracy, law enforcement and the judiciary – are they really functioning?

In Bangladesh, many politicians, intellectuals and analysts often claim that democracy has been restored with the general elections in December 2008 which saw the Awami League coming to power. Is ‘democracy’ just holding of elections, or the way a government

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National Multicultural Festival in Canberra – eat as much as you can and dance as long as you can

The National Multicultural Festival in Canberra is a signature annual event organised by the ACT Government in partnership with the local community organisations. The event has always been a success with the number of attendees increasing over the years and

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Picnic in the woods – Abdul Quader

The Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra organised its annual picnic on 1 November 2009 at Uriara East Reserve, not far from the city of Canberra. Uriara is a very popular picnic spot as it is a nature reserve that provides recreational

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A wonderful Ghazal concert by Jagjit Singh

An enchanting concert by the Legendary Ghazal singer Jagjit Singh was held in Sydney on 26 September 2009 at the HIillsong Convention Centre. He visited Australia several times in the past to entertain his innumerable fans of ghazals. After his

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An excellent Iftar party hosted by Bangladesh-Australia Association, Canberra

On Sunday 6th September 2009, the Bangladesh-Australia Association, Canberra organised its annual Iftar party at the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC) in Monash. A record number of over 350 Bangladesh community members attended this year’s Iftar. Among the distinguished guests was

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Internet – the good, the bad and the ugly

A society is a dynamic institution created by mankind to pursue common social goals. While an individual seeks to maximize his or her own welfare as the primary goal, collective efforts are often needed to achieve individual goals. Many things

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On democratic autocracy

The concepts of democracy and autocracy are apparently contradictory. Democracy is a system of government where people elect their representatives to govern the country in away that reflects people’s views, hopes and aspirations. On the other hand, autocracy refers to

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The Foreign Secretary's comments are ‘undiplomatic’

Newspaper reports suggest that at the present time there are no heads of foreign missions of Bangladesh in 12 countries, including Malaysia, Belgium and Switzerland (The Daily Star 29 March). In addition, the government has called back three ambassadors and

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