Twenty fifth march 1971

Twenty fifth march 1971

Twenty fifth march 1971 is listed as Black Day in our History. In the dark of that night, West Pakistani brutal military force all of a sudden attacked on our unarmed innocent civilians of the then East Pakistan only to stop the voice against our legitimatedemand for economic justice and democratic right.

Machine guns, mortars and heavy artillery were used by the Military Janta to attack Police HQ , Barracks, EPR HQ, University Residential Halls , University teachers’ Quarters etc. Continuous two nights the brutal army shelled and burnt many establishment .

At Rajarbagh Police Line initially fight started to resist Army entry at Police line to disarm them & confiscated Arms & ammunition hold by Bengali police , EPR & other forces. After hours of resistance we couldn’t stand in front heavy Arms Ammunition used by Pakistani military force though we build barriers to stop Army vehicle. These Vehicles were carrying arms which were delivered by Swat ship from Karachi for killing innocent people only because they gave verdict to the popular leader Bangabandhu to run the Government of Pakistan and establish the rights of the East Pakistanis.

I was then living with my parents at our Chamelibagh home adjacent to RazarbaghPolice Line Barracks where most of the police force resided. It was difficult for them to continue resistance against shells from Mortars and Tanks used by the Pakistani Military . Many policeman escaped with their life and took shelter at almost all houses in Chamelybagh and nearby localities.
Our two storied house, late Sirazuddine house, KHOKON Bhai & other houses were full of police forces with rifles & other Arms. We provided civil clothing , food and shelter . Most of them had injury & blood stain on their cloth and we gave them First Aid. Next day with the help of our Udichi , Chatro union and other close friends we packed the rifles , ammunition and shifted these to Trimohoni, mother Tag where we had local strong base. Ultimately with the assistance locals, we started training programs with the arms and ammunition collected from Police line on 25 March.

The Pakistani military force rampaged Dhaka University, Engineering University and killed students brutally. They Killed many teachers of the University in their Quarters. EPR HQ was also attacked and many were killed. Few thousands of innocent people were also killed around Dhaka city . The brutal Pakistani Military also looted, raped, burnt shops, News paper offices, Fire Brigade Barracks.

Our Nation was not prepared for such atrocities though the Final call came out from our National leader, Bangabandhu to fight back against the oppressing Military Zanta if they shed further Blood of our innocent people. We had also clear message from Bangabandhu on 7 March from Race Course Maidan to fight back & achieve our independence if Pakistani Force attack us and he is unable to give any further order.

We deeply mourn the death of our friends, Students, teachers, comrades, police, EPR & innocent civilians who were killed that night and ultimately during nine months struggle. Our struggle will continue to emancipate our exploitation Free Nation will continue till our dream isn’t full filed .

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