Dr Tanveer Ahmed official psychiatrist for Channel 7 Sunrise

Dr Tanveer Ahmed (Shuvo) is now the official Channel Seven Sunrise psychiatrist, speaking regularly about issues related to psychology, mental health and human behaviour. Watch his regular slot every Sunday 7:40am on Channel 7 Sunrise. The Art of Small Talk

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PriyoAustralia welcomes new BAAC Executive Committee (2014-15)

The newly elected EC is pleased to introduce the members as listed below: President- Shafiq Ahmed Rana Vice President- Vikarun Nessa Haque General Secretary- Dr S M Shahidul Islam (ADFA-QBN) Assistant General Secretary- Saif Khan (QBN) Treasurer- Dr Tarik Muhammad

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Team of Scientists led by Dr Akhter Hossain discover molecule that controls appetite

A molecule produced in the colon has been found to control appetite, a discovery which could help the future treatment of conditions such as obesity and anorexia nervosa. While the existence of the molecule was known, its purpose had remained

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