
. . . . . . . . . . এখানে তোর সবই ছিল বসতবাটি, থালাবাসন আর টুকিটাকি প্রয়োজনীয় আসবাব। একটু দূরে পুকুরের ওপাশে নিশ্চুপ দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা গাব গাছ সেও ছিল। তুই এখানে ছিলি, তোর সংসার ছিল নিকানো উঠানের ধারে

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Bangladesh’s acquisition of Chinese submarines: No cause for India to worry

Bangladesh is not only a riverine but also a maritime country. It was the ocean route that in the past led many foreigners to come to Bengal (now greater part of Bangladesh) and Chittagong port was the conduit for interaction

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Join Kamrul Ahsan Khan's team for this Clean up Australia Day

We are helping to clean up, fix up and conserve my local environment by participating in the 2014 Clean Up Australia Day. Join my Team and register as a volunteer. Visit http://www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au/benaustralia14 Just click the button “Join this Site” to

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