Appeal to Expatriate Bangladeshis

Dear friends, The United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG) has a vision that by 2015, world poverty would be brought down to a half of what was in 2000. The Bangladesh government has also set a target that by 2020,

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Canberra Eid al-Fitr Festival – Sunday 19 September 2010

Dear All ACT Policing Crime Prevention Multicultural Liaison Team wishes to invite all on the weekend of the 19 September 2010 to the 2010 Canberra Eid al-Fitr Festival. The first public event of its kind in Canberra, the Eid Festival

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Article on Dhaka traffic Jam

ঢাকা শহরে গাড়ীর সংখ্যা কমানোয় “দ্বি-ব্যবহারিক গাড়ী”র ভূমিকা অধ্যাপক বিজন বিহারী শর্মা সারকথাঃ আমাদের দেশের বড় বড় ডিগ্রীধারী ব্যক্তিগন বিভিন্ন সেমিনার বা টেলিভিশন টক শো তে অনেক সময় এমন ধরনের মন্তব্য করে থাকেন যে সেসব শোনার পর তাদের জ্ঞান সম্বন্ধে

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Fear of a Brown Planet Allah Made Me Funny

  Exclusive My Ticketmaster Presale! Allah Made Me Funny (USA), the runaway hit of last year`s Sydney`s World`s Funniest Island, will join forces in October with the winners of the 2008 Melbourne International Comedy Festival`s Best Newcomer award, Fear of

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Eid Zekhane Zemon

ঈদ যেখানে যেমন – ওয়াসিম খান পলাশ প্যারিস থেকে ঈদ মুসলিম ধর্মালম্বীদের জন্য একটি বিশেষ আনন্দের দিন। ছোট,বড় সবার কাছেই ঈদের আনন্দ অন্য রকম। ছোটদের এক ধরনের আনন্দ ,বড়দের অন্য রকম। তাইতো ঈদ মানে খুশি। অতীতের সব দ্বিধা দ্বন্দ ভুলে

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Eid Greetings from Brother Abul Ehsan

Bismillaah Walhamdulillaah Wassalaatu Wassalaamu A’ala Rasoolillaah My Dearest Brothers and Sisters-in-Faith Assalaamu Alaikum WaRahmatullaahi WaBarakaatuh All Praises are due to Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’Ala – the Lord of all the Worlds – May He (Allaah) be Glorified and Exalted. And

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Eid Jamat in Canberra, on Friday 10th September 2010

Eid-Ul Fitr 1431/2010 in Canberra has been confirmed by the Canberra Mosque to be onFriday 10th September, 2010. Eid Prayers at the Canberra Mosque, 139 Empire Circuit, Yarralumla ACT 2600, Starts at 7:30am sharp. Prayers at the CIC (Canberra Islamic

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Eid Open Houses List – Darwin 0

Eid Travel Guide – Up dated 06/09/2010 Please print the attached pdf file details.

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An Exclusive Interview with Advocate Tarana Halim, MP of Bangladesh Parliament

Bangla Radio Canberra – 30 Aug 2010 This week’s programme presented a very informative discussion on political and economic future of Bangladesh, which is challenged by a combination of factors including the country’s political violence, weak governance, poverty, corruption and

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From IFA 2010 Desk – Berlin

How touch screens and 3D graphics represent the future of technology By Matt Warman, Consumer Technology The technology that is set to emerge over the coming months and years will be better connected, easier to use and will likely embrace

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Eid Jamat 2010 in Sydney 0

9th September (Thursday) 7.30am sharp: Ingleburn Library Community Hall, Ingleburn (Depending on moon sighting)7.30am sharp: Police Citizen Youth Club (PCYC), Minto (Depending on moon sighting) 10th September (Friday) 7.30am sharp: Ingleburn Library Community Hall, Ingleburn (Depending on moon sighting) 7.30am

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“Characteristics of the Hypocrites” by Brother Abul Ehsan (1 Hour Video)

By using evidence from the verses of the Holy Qur’aan and authentic sayings of Prophet (PBUH), Brother Abul Ehsan, in this lecture, strived with great persistence and often went to considerable lengths with real-life examples to draw attention of the

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Eid Open Houses List – Adelaide 0

To print this page (friendly print version) please click on icon next to the title (top right). Click on street address link for area map & house image. Open House Area Date & Time Arshad Hossain Bhuiyan3 Cross Tce ,

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Eid Open Houses List – Canberra 0

To print this page (friendly print version) please click on icon next to the title (top right). Click on street address link for area map & house image. Open House Area Date & Time Rana, Nilufa, Monon, Nabeel and Medha

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Rise of World Population and Bangladesh

It is reported that with 267 people being born every minute and 108 dying, the world’s population will top 7 billion next year, according to Population Reference Bureau, a research group based in Washington. The study of the research group

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Kathak presents Chetonay Rabindranath

Dear Community members Kathak is proud to announce that it is going to stage a cultural evening “Chetonay Rabindranath” on the eve of 150th birthday of Kobi Guru Rabindranath Thakur on the 6th of November (Saturday) at 7.00 pm at

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Eid Reunion Cruising in Sydney (postponed)

বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটি অব সিডনী’র উদ্দোগে আয়োজিত ঈদ পুনমিলনী হারবার ক্র“স ২০১০ তারিখ পরিবর্তন। বাংলাদেশ সোসাইটি অব সিডনী’র উদ্দোগে আয়োজিতঈদ পুনমিলনী হারবার ক্র“স ২০১০ এর তারিখ পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে। ১৯শে সেপ্টেম্বর এর পরিবর্তে আগামী ৩১শে অক্টোবর রবিবার অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। কারন হিসেবে

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Eid O Edur Kopali

ঈদ ও ইঁদুর কপালে – অধ্যাপক নজরুল হাবিবী বড় প্রতিক্ষিত এক মাস সিয়াম সাধনার পর বিশ্ব মুসলিমের দ্বারে উপস্থিত আজ ঈদুল ফেতর। ‘ঈদ’ আরবী শব্দ, মানে হাসি-খুশি, আনন্দ এবং প্রসন্নতা। ইসলামী শরিয়ত এ আনন্দ কিন্তু সবাইকে ভাগ করে দিতে নারাজ।

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Please make your Ramadan more rewarding by donating to Islamic Centre Avalon Melbourne

As-salâmu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu Our deepest love and respects to you and your beloved ones on the blessed month of Ramadan. Please make this Ramadan more rewarding by donating to Islamic Centre Avalon! Alhamdulillah we have undertaken a

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Ghoroa performance by Shurolok Members

Ghoroa performance by Shurolok Members Date: Sunday, 3 October 2010 Time: 5-30 PM to 7-30 PM Venue: Balwyn Library Meeting Hall 336 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn 3103 FREE ADMISSION

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