Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra has organised the following programme for observance of the Victory Day-2008 at the Chancery premises

Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra. No. Cul-1/2/07 04 December 2008 Dear All, Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra has organised the following programme for observance of the Victory Day-2008 at the Chancery premises. Tuesday, 16 December 2008:0900 hrs National Flag hoisting by H.E.

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McCain Visit to Bangladesh

Three senior US senators, including defeated presidential candidate John McCain (72), paid a visit to Bangladesh on December 2nd for 11 hours before he left for Bhutan. He came from New Delhi to Dhaka. Some say his visit to New

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List of Canberra Eid-ul-Adha Open House 2008

To print this page (friendly print version) please click on icon next to the title (top right). Click on street address link for area map & house image. Open House Area Date & Time Shireen Ahmad4 Long Place, ScullinEid Mubarak

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Loyalty exposed

Registered political parties including Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party and Jamaat-e-Islami placed on their polls tickets some 130 individuals who are either loan or utility service bill defaulters. Under pressure from the parties, the caretaker government relaxed the electoral laws

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The Bangladesh High Commission in Canberra will remain closed from 08 December to 10 December 2008

Bangladesh High Commission Canberra Notice The Bangladesh High Commission will remain closed from 08 December to 10 December 2008 on the occasion of Eid ul Azha. Signed/- (Md. Nazrul Islam) Counsellor & HOC

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BEN Australia: Sydney Seminar Resolution

The Sydney meeting of BEN members and other environmentalists, held on November 1, 2008, upon extensive discussion through out the day, resolves to: 1. Work energetically to enhance awareness about the environmental of Bangladesh among NRBs in Australia. 2. Pay

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Khaleda, Hasina may face off : EC mulls rivals' electoral debate

The Election Commission (EC) plans to organise electoral debates on crucial issues before the December 29 parliamentary elections with participation of top political leaders. This might bring archrivals Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia face to face. Election Commissioner Brig Gen

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Melbourne: Eid Ul Adha confirmed from Board of Imams and ICV for this Monday the 8th of December

Bismillaher Rahman-er Rahim Eid Ul Adha confirmed from Board of Imams and ICV for this Monday the 8th of DecemberEid Salah timing arrival 7:30, Salah 8:00am on Monday December 8 at the Nottinghill Community Center Reminder for Qurbani Arrangements 2008For

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Application for residential plot at Purbachal and Uttara

Bangladesh High Commission, CanberraNotice: 01 December 2008 Application for residential plot at Purbachal and Uttara This is to inform all concerned that Bangladeshis living abroad who will apply for plots at Purbachal and Uttara as per the recent notices of

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Eid-ul Adha Canberra – Monday 8th December, 2008

Officials at the Canberra mosque have confirmed Eid-ul Adha to be on Monday 8th December, God willing. Although official announcement will not be made until Friday Juma prayers. The Eid prayer is expected to commence at the mosque @ 8am

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