Help eight year old Ric, who diagnosed with Bone Marrow Blood Cancer

Help eight year old Ric, who diagnosed with Bone Marrow Blood Cancer

We are writing this appeal on behalf of young family of Nurul Haque Chowdhury (shohag), a father of eight year old son Ric, diagnosed with life threatening Bone Marrow Blood Cancer. According to advice from Square Hospital, he will be admitted to hospital in Singapore where he will receive treatment.

As his cancer was detected at middle stage, medical team is confident that he will have full recovery if the treatment can be completed.

Shohag’s wife Faizun Nahar (Lipi)who is a teacher in Scholastica school informed us that, while the family and friends in Bangladesh arranged cost of treatment at Square Hospital and initial cost to transfer him to Singapore, it would now only be possible to continue treatment if the community members extend their kind merciful hand. The total cost is estimated at over BDT 60 lak

As we know that Allah (SBT) is doer of everything and without Allah’s (SBT) will nothing will happen but Allah (SBT) also says to try our best possible to do so. If Allah (SBT) wishes he will return to his family one day and his son Ric will get his father back (insallah).

We, therefore, humbly request all the respected community members of Australia to help as much as possible in order to save his life and save the family.
Contributions are gratefully accepted in any of the following accounts:
Faizun nahar Ahmed,
Swift code: DHBLBDDH,
Account no# 206.200.35180.
Dhaka Bank, Bangladesh

Humayara Chowdhury (Sister)
BSB NO: 062191
Account No: 10624304
Commonwealth bank, Australia

Kindly declare “Donation for Shohag from ” as transaction description as while making your contribution.
Shohag’s family and we will gratefully acknowledge your kind contribution and may Allah (SBT) bless and protect us all.

Humayara Chowdhury (Sister)
Home-(02) 80341946, mob 0424774785

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