Discussion on Environment, Bio-diversity, Ecology and Ethics

Bangla Radio Canberra’s 10 January 2011 program presented a very informative discussion on environment, bio-diversity, ecology and ethics which become survival imperatives for all species on Earth. Different levels of violence involved in non-sustainable development, including the genetic engineering and chemicals, which become debt trap to farmers, have been focused in the discussion. The beautiful songs played in the program were sung by popular Indian singer Hemanta Mukhapadhay. The instrumental piece used in the program was played by Indian composer V. Balsara. This week’s program was produced and presented by Ajoy Kar.
Recording of this week’s program has been posted in Bangla Radio website http://www.banglaradio.org.au/. A link to that recording is provided in the attached file. Just click the file to play it in Windows Media player in your computer.