Security Upped as Ramadan Starts on 2nd September

Security Upped as Ramadan Starts on 2nd September

Mon, Sep 1st, 2008 11:37 pm BdST

Dhaka, September 1 ( – Millions of Muslims in Bangladesh will start the fasting month of Ramadan on Tuesday and observe ‘Lailatul Qadr’ through the Sept 27 night.

The National Moonsighting Committee announced Monday that it had reviewed all available data on the Hijri 1429 Ramadan moon-sighting and decided that Ramadan will officially commence Tuesday, as the moon’s crescent was not sighted anywhere in the country after the previous nightfall.

Muslims scan the sky at night in search of the new moon to proclaim the start of Ramadan, the holiest month for more than one billion Muslims around the world, during which observant believers fast from dawn to dusk.

President, CA greet

President Iajuddin Ahmed and chief adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed greeted the nation and the Muslim world on the eve of Ramadan.

The president in his message said:" The month of Ramadan … paves the way for peace and welfare through seeking blessings of Allah."

"Ramadan helps foster fellow feeling and fraternity between the rich and the poor."

He wished peace and happiness of the countrymen and the Muslim world.

The chief adviser mentioning the significance of Ramadan said: "I hope the lessons of the holy month of Ramadan will be pursued in all tiers of life at individual, family, social and state levels."

He urged all to take this month as the training ground for cultivation of basic human qualities.

Shored-up security

RAB has shored up security in the shopping malls, kitchen markets, wholesale markets and banks across the country for the Ramadan.

The elite anticrime force in a press statement on Monday said crimes by terrorists, extortionists and muggers go up during the period when cash transaction increases.

It has taken special security measures at sensitive roads, installations, bus stands, rail stations, launch terminals in metropolitan cities and district towns.

A monthly coordination meeting on Sunday decided the measures, where RAB director general, additional director general, directors of different wings and commanders of all battalions were present.

Anti-drugs drive has been intensified and motor cycle patrols on isolated roads, mugging-prone spots would also be conducted. The anti-adulteration drive would be intensified using mobile courts run by RAB’s own magistrates.

Besides, steps are on way to arrest extortionists and muggers from bus stations, rail stations, launch terminals by engaging sleuths and uniformed RAB personnel. Measures will also be taken to stop touting of tickets at the bus, launch terminals and rail stations.

Mobile check points would be set up at the accesses and exit from the cities.

RAB battalions in Dhaka would be divided into 125 teams and about 2000 personnel would work in the city in three shifts to prevent crimes.


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