While I was running today

While I was running today
running to save a life,
lift up a moment full of joy.
While I ran to clear a mile
with thousands running behind me
and thousands more cheering on
I hear a bang, a boom, a bomb go of.
While I was running today
so casually I do so every year
While I had my cup of water
saw a girl smile at me to cheer me on
I heard a blast of fire
and shrugged it of ever so casually.
Not because it wasn’t fearful
not because it did not send a chill down my spine.
Because I choose this moment to be fill with happiness
and choose to continue running.
Today I woke up thinking what I may wear for this event
that comes around but once a year.
Today I got up with a smile on my face ready to take this day on
promising to not let anything get me down or stop me.
Today I thought all my hard work will pay me off.
So forgive me if I do not sound fearful
if I am not petrified or surprised
instead I choose to rejoice with utter poise and
dignity at my own humility.
I do this because of the moments
where children are plucked in front of TVs
families gather at home to see the anticipation
the joy,the sweat, and the tears.
To see the faces of the triumphant
That is what this day was remembered for.
But now it is remembered for something
more fearful and too common
for their was no one waiting for me when I was
waiting at the finish line,
screaming and chanting due to my success
instead their was screaming and shuttering
in a see of chaos life right and center.
I choose this moment to think
to believe this run
was my most significant
this run was my most triumphant of all!