Literary evening with Prof Abdullah Abu Sayeed 12th April – Details attached

Dear Friends,
In continuation of the cultural journey of ANANDADHARA Readers Forum for last 17 years we are privileged to invite you for an Enlightened Literary Evening with Prof Abdullah Abu Sayeed ( Founder of Bishwo Sahityo Kendra, Writer, Plilosopher, Ramon Magsaysay Award winner and TV Presenter).
On 12th April 2014 (Saturday) 6:30 – 8:30 pm at EPPING Baptist Church, 5 Ray Road.
Please purchase your ticket now as we have very limited seats available.
We have imported limited stock of books by Abdullah Abu Sayeed. The books will be sold on first come first serve basis.
Please order and purchase you book to avoid disappointment.
Thank you
On behalf of ANANDADHARA Readers Forum
0412 554 674, 0403 256 451, 0434 167 358, (02) 975 888 00, (02) 9745 6903
ANANDADHARA – 17 Years of Quality Service for Quality People
Contact : (6pm – 10 pm)
0412 554 674 / 02 9758 8800