Fundraiser with hopes and aspirations for the community to reach a new height

Dear Community friend,
Sub: Fundraiser with hopes and aspirations for the community to reach a new height
Date and Time: 3 Aug 2012: 7 pm for 7.30 pm Start
Venue: Parra Villa, 42 Campbell Street, Parramatta NSW 2123
Further to my earlier communication, I have been preselected by the Labor Party to ‘Lead’ the Labor ticket for the forthcoming Strathfield council election on September 8th, 2012. This is the first time a first generation migrant of Indian Subcontinental heritage has been preselected to ‘Lead’ the Council ticket by a major Political Party in Australia, to my knowledge.
This preselection acknowledges the view of ‘Labor’ on the achievements of Australians from Indian and Indian Subcontinental heritage in making New South Wales an increasingly better place for all Australians.
I am seeking your support to run a successful campaign that is not just about electing a Councillor for Strathfield Council and that is not just about Strathfield either. It is about standing by a set of values that bind us together as a Community such as respect for social equity and equality. It is about belief in principles that if the same God created us all, we all deserve the same opportunities in life including opportunities for education and health. It is about our commitments to these qualities, values and principles.
It is also about demonstrating before the broader community that we, one of the more recent migrants to this great land of Australia, the Indian Subcontinental community, are as motivated, as united, as ready to participate and work hard to make Australia an even greater and more prosperous and socially integrated nation for all Australians, the same way all other great migrant communities who arrived before us, have done.
Dear friend, I am not asking you to buy a ticket to attend a fund-raising dinner. At this transformational phase of our community, I am seeking your support to initiate a successful move whereby every dream of every Australian child can stand a chance to come true. I am asking you to support spawning of a new dawn where community hopes and aspirations can reach new heights.
Contributions toward this campaign: Standard Table – $100 per head
VIP Tables – $250 per head OR $2000 for a table of 10. Donations of up to $ 1500 per person per year are tax deductible.
If we work together, the possibilities are limitless.
I shall contact all friends individually who have already contacted me earlier with promise of support.
I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the event.
Yours sincerely,
Raj Datta
Team Leader, Labor Team for Strathfield Council
Campaign funding rules apply. An acceptable donor is an individual on the electoral roll. Prohibited donors are property developers, tobacco industry business entities or liquor or gambling industry business entities’ or a ‘close associate’ of a ‘prohibited donor’, unions or any organization.
Please contact me for any further clarifications.
Donations of up to $ 1500 per person per year are tax deductible.