BUET Alumni Association Picnic 2011

All BUET ALUMNI are cordially invited with family. Please join us and enjoy whole day with varieties of entertainment and food.
Venue: Tempe Recreational Reserve, Holbeach Ave, Tempe (or via Bay St turn off Princess highway).
Date: 2nd April 2011, Time 10:30am to sunset
Registration fee: Adult $20, Kids under12 $10, under 5 free.
Process of registration: Deposit money in the account below with your name, department and year of graduation and email the payment details to any of the following.
Sydney Contact: Zulhash Bhuiyan, zulhasbh@bigpond.net.au
Yunus Rana:yunus.rana@sydneywater.com.au
CanberraContact: Dr. Ruhul Amin Sarkar, R.SARKER@adfa.edu.au
New castle Contact: Shishir, saifmech@tpg.com.au
Brisbane Contact: Dr: Tapan Saha, saha@itee.uq.edu.au
MelbourneContact: Dr. Khalique Ahmed, khaliqahmed@hotmail.com
Account details: Westpac Bank, BUET ALUMNI Association,
BSB: 032075, Account Number: 410086.
Website: http://www.buetalumniaustralia.com/
Nilufa Akter Keya
Communication Secretary,