Habib and Ferdous Wahid in Concert – Sunday 2 November 2008 – Presented by Bangla Vision Entertainment
I’m Md M Rahman from Bangla Vision Entertainment, Australia. We are pleased to inform you and the Bangladeshi Community in Australia through your popular website that we are going to organize a grand concert night of Habib ‘The new Sensation’ in Bangladeshi music industry at this moment and Ferdous wahid, ‘The Legend of Bangladeshi Band Music’. The event is scheduled on 2nd November, 2008 at “Enmore Theatre”, Newtown, a prestigious and the historical venue in Sydney. Though this is their 2nd tour to Australia but the main attraction is that this time they are coming with full hands where people will get the real test of purely Habib’s live concert comparing to his last performance. Addition to that we are planning to do something by Australian born Bangladeshi performers which will give them a good platform to promote their selves.
For your kind information, the quality sound systems and the gorgeous lighting will make the concert remarkable.
The main objective of the show is to present an outstanding concert night for the Bangladeshi community in Australia and involve the Australian born Bangladeshi generation who will be the representative of Bangladesh among all other communities in Australia.
Bangla Vision Entertainment will appreciate you and your website if you follow up all the details of concert time to time. Your kind co-operation can make our effort successful and help us to do something for our community this time and later on.
Kind regards
Md M Rahman
Bangla Vision Entertainment.
E-mail: banglavisionentertainment@live.com.au
NB: Please check the following link from The Daily Ittefaq
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