Mehedi Evening and Eid Mela on Sunday 27 July – Organised by Western Region Bengali School

Dear Respected Parents and Community Members
EID Mela! EID Mehedi Evening! EID Mela!
We are requesting all community members to ignore previous email invitation as the event date was sent with typo mistake. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Western Region Bengali School has organized a Mehedi evening and EID Mela for the Bangladeshi community living in the north- western suburbs of Melbourne.
Program schedule as follows:
Date: Sunday, 27 July 2014
Time: 3:00—7:00 PM
Wyndham Park Community Centre
55-57 Kookaburra Avenue
Werribee 3030
(Mel ways Reference: 206 C4)
The event will consist of number of stalls for selwar kamiz / jewelleries / garments / apparels /crafts etc.
Western Region Bengali School will offer free Mehedi decoration for the girls of all age groups. Please come along with your family and friends to enjoy your Eid shopping and join the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr with your fellow community members in the festive environment.
For stalls please contact
· Morshed (0433852255)
· Moushumi (0413382868)
· Kabir (0403183516)
· Tanveer (0401464931)
· Ripon (0401902804)
We will greatly appreciate your presence and support for the event.
Kind Regards
Western Region Bengali School Council