Drama by Melbourne Bangla Theatre on 15th November

Fellow Banglabhashi,
We are cordially inviting you to attend our fourth production BOUDER PATHSHALA on 15th November 2008 at the Chandler Community Centre Theatre Hall at 6 PM sharp.
Bouder Pathshala is an adaptation of Moliere’s The School for Wives and we believe that you just can’t not laugh. For your information the synopsis of the play is as follows.
"As Jhoot Mohajon is a homely, middle-age man who foolishly thinks he has his future all worked out. He’s been raising an orphan since she (Laili Begum) was 6 years old to make sure she will become for him The Perfect Wife: naive, isolated, uneducated, and knowing no man but he. Of course this being Moliere, things don’t turn out quite as the poor chap has planned. The blossoming Laili falls in love with the first young man who happens by Jhoot Mohajon’s holiday home cum the manufacturing plant of the perfect wife. So, naturally, the remainder of the evening involves the desperate attempts of Jhoot Mohajon to keep the lovebirds apart. Guess who wins.
If the plot sounds old hat, the author’s treatment isn’t. The adapted script (by Abid Rahman) is stuffed with humorous philosophies, irresistible running gags and a collection of fools that audiences would be foolish to resist. Director Wasih Al Razib finds the right tone for all this inspired nonsense, while still allowing enough reality to get us emotionally involved in the story. We desperately want these young lovers to hook up."
So, be there.
Dipto Chowdhury
Melbourne Bangla Theatre