BEN programme on April 2009 in Melbourne

Bangladesh Environment Network, BEN members meet in Melbourne last week. Community members were present in this meeting to discuss about to BEN activity through out Victoria to aware about Environment situation and play active role to address issues and extend organization activity net working, seminar and also to bring all members of the community to play there social responsibility toward the safe world and also contribute towards protecting Bangladesh from Further environmental degradation. The meeting also discuss about holding a Community Environmental seminar in April 2009 with local community where academics, leading activist, politicians will be present. The meeting also elected writer and activist Mrs Dilruba Shahana as a convener of Melbourne branch BEN of Australian Chapter. Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan Coordinator of BEN Australian Chapter and other member of BEN Dr Nilufar Jahan, Eng Mahbub Islam, Mr Manzur Morshed, Mr Muntasir Abedin. Eng S. Alam, Mr Atash Das also participates in the discussion. Few other members of the community were also present. During visit of Ben Coordinator met few other community leader Professor Dr Ahmed Azad Dr Sharif Al Saber, Dr Shuvo Sharif, Kamruzzaman Balak and others who will also actively support April event in Melbourne to support Environment movement.