Major General (Retd) Ibrahim Bir Pratik in Melbourne

Dear Sir/Madam,
Please accept my hearitest greetings. I hope this finds you well.
Foremost, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the Co-Convenor of the International Conference on Civil & Military Relationsips to be hosted by the Monash Asia Institute and its partners on Friday, November 9, 2007 in Melbourne. Major General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim Bir Pratik will be attending the conference as the keynote speaker. I am also coordinating General Ibrahim’s trip in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra.
In reference to General Ibrahim’s trip, I will be grateful if you could please:
(1) Publicise the following information prominently in the different sections of your website
(2) Forward the following information to your mailing list
(3) Publicise the trip and conference to your personal contacts, particularly in Melbourne.
Major General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim Bir Pratik in Australia: Conference in Melbourne
"Civil & Military Collaboration for Reforms, Security & Good Governance: The Bangladesh Experience"
Keynote address by Major General (Retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim Bir Pratik at the International Conference on Civil & Military Relationships: Implications for the Health, Mobility & Well-being of Civilian Popuations . The conference details are, as follows:
Date: November 9, 2007
Time: 9:30AM-5:30 PM (General Ibrahim’s speech will be from 10:00AM-10:30 AM in the morning session followed by panel discussion in the afternoon)
Venue: Rydges Hotel Mebourne, Melbourne CBD
Registration Free: $50 ($10 for students) inclusive of lunch
For registration in the Melbourne conference, please contact Co-Convenor Ifti Rashid at email: and as well as phone 0421651638.
In addition, General Ibrahim will be in Melbourne on November 8 and 9, Sydney on November 10 and 11, and Canberra on November 12. During his trip to Melbourne, Sydney ad Canberra, General Ibrahim will be speaking in a number of talks, seminars, roundtable and discusion forums on a number of topics, including the liberation war, trial of war criminals, reforms, and current scocial, economic and political developments in Bangladesh.
General Ibrahim will be speaking to a number of local, international and community print and electronic media during his trip to Australia.
For details and media enquiries/interviews, please contact Ifti Rashid at and as well as phone 0421651638.
About General Ibrahim: A valiant freedom fighter, Generral Ibrahim is Bangladesh’s leading security expert and strategic analyst widely quoted in the local and international meda for his incisie analysis. He is a regular columnist for Probe and writes frequently for opther newspapers. He was the Founder-Executive Director of the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, Director General of the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies and President of the Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Institute in Bangladesh. Many of you maybe familiar with General Ibrahim’s incisive analy
sis on current affairs, as a regular commentator in the electronic media.
About the Conference: The International Conference on Civil & Military Relationships: Implications for the Health, Mobility & Well-being of Civilian Populations 2007 will be be held on November 9, 2007 at the Rydges Hotel in Melbourne. The international conference is organized by Monash Asia Institute, Centre for Muslim Minorities and Islamic Policy Studies, Australian Research Council-Futures Research Network and Islam Node to bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, professionals and students from the region to focus on the complex issue of civil and military relationships in the contemporary era. It is hoped that the deliberations in the conference will help develop a healthy relationship between the miltiary and civil society in order to meet the challengs of the contemporary era. For further details on the conference, please click the appropriate link from Other speaks include Dr. Ayesha Siddiqua Agha and Prof. Samina Yasmeen. The registration fee (inclusive of lunch at the Rydges Hotel) is $10 for students and $50 for others. Please visit the website ships.php to download the registration form or contact the undersigned.
If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Yours truly,
Ifti Rashid
Co-Convenor, International Conference on Civil & Military Relationships: The Implications on Health, Mobility & Well-being of Civlian Populations in the Asia-Pacific
Monash Asia Institute, Monash University
Melburne, Victoria