Muhurto & Others – Live Concert in Canberra

Muhurto & Others – Live Concert in Canberra

Dear members of the community,

It is time for some good music! And responding to a noble cause at the same time.

It is our pleasure to inform you that ‘Muhurto’, a Canberra-based band will be performing in a live concert in Canberra along with some of your favourite singers. All musicians (detailed in the attached poster) will perform well-known and popular songs by Bangladeshi bands and singers covering super hit numbers from biggest selling albums over the past few decades.

This is a charity initiative by ‘Muhurto’ and others, who will also raise funds for ‘SiTara’s Story’, a not-for-profit organisation (Priyo Australia Link) led by a group of passionate women in Canberra to facilitate mental health awareness program for adolescent girls in Bangladesh.

All proceeds from the concert tickets/sponsors excluding costs for logistics, will be donated to ‘SiTara’s Story’.

Program Details

Many thanks for your support for the community and the above-mentioned cause. Looking forward to your participation and attendance in ‘Muhurto’s live concert in Canberra.

Sincerely yours,

Touheed Shahjahan

On behalf of Muhurto’ and organisers
Mobile 0413 354 904
Email: muhurto.official@gmai

Media Partner: Priyo Australia

The music is not in the notes, but in the silence in between, – ‘Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’

Touheed Shahjahan
On behalf of Muhurto’ and organisers
Mobile: 0413354904

Facebook: Muhurto-1704236086507024/

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