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CIC Ifter by Bangladesh community on Saturday 25 June 2016

CIC Ifter by Bangladesh community on Saturday 25 June 2016

Dear Community Members,
Ramadan, the month of revealing Quran and the month of seeking Allah’s mercy, forgiveness and Salvation from Hell-fire has arrived and we are already into the middle part of it.

Just to let you know again that the Bangladesh community in Canberra will be providing iftar/dinner for Muslim community in Canberra and surrounding area on the 3rd d Saturday of Ramadhan i.e. on 25 Junes 2016. You, your family and friends are well invited to attend all CIC’s ifter/dinner on remaining Saturdays:

Kuwait embassy – 2nd Saturday 18 June 2016;
Bangladesh community – 3rd Saturday 25 June 2016;
Pakistan community – 4th Saturday 2nd July 2016 (chand Rat).

As per our first appeal few brothers have contributed their money and few others have confirmed their financial contribution to various person listed below.

You can pay your contribution using internet banking to:
Canberra Islamic Centre
Westpac Bank BSB: 032719 Account No.: 153856 (pl include “ BD Ifter contribution”).
Also, pleasec confirm your contribution amount to any of the person listed below ASAP. Ofcourse youb can pay on the Saturday 25 June in person by cash, cheque or by EFTPOS at CIC (CIC has a EFTPOS machine).
Your early confirmation would be of great help in planning, menu and procuring various dry materials (disposable cups, plates, rice, drinks) for the events on 25 June 2016.

Sahmsul Huda 0434 674 176,
Iqbal Zahid 04111 08781-
Ali Akbar 0414 514 779
Kamal Ahmed 0403 476 190 (Bonython)- kua32@hotmail.coml,
Zillur Rahman 6294 4345-
Mr. Jainal Abedin – 62942607 –,
Akramul Haque -0413 469 648-,
Rajiuzzaman 0413473936-
Anamul Hoque Bhuyan 0412 090 769 –,
Tarek Safa 0409 360 006 –
Aminur Rashid 0434 659 649 –,
Mohammad Abdul Quadir 0402 140 833 –
Borhan Ahmed 0421 553 171-
Mainul Haque 0421 792 617-
Golam Azam 0423 130 320 –

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