একুশের বিকেলের Language Walk in Canberra

একুশের বিকেলের Language Walk in Canberra

Dear Canberran’s

This is a friendly reminder to join us @ the inaugural International Mother Language Day Walk 2014 @ Peace Park under the International Flags (next to Questacon car park) at 5.30pm on Friday 21 February 2014.

Please bring your family and friends to participate @ the Walk and enjoy FREE Concert by the Gourmet Band, Sausage Sizzle, Face Painting and Multilingual Cultural programs.

You may have seen promotions for the Walk in Chronicle, Canberra City Weekly, ANU notice board and Australian Government’s Intranet. I have attached few documents including the Program for your consideration.

Please remember “My Language My Pride”, আমার ভাষা আমার অহংকার

See you @ the Walk.

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