Gungahlin Mosque Fundraising Ramadan Iftar

Dear Brother/Sister in Islam
Bismillaah Walhamdulillaah Wassalaatu Wassalaamu A’ ála Rasoolillaah Assalaamu Alaikum WaRahmatullaahi WaBarkaatuh
The Canberra Muslim Community (CMC) Inc Executive Committee takes this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy and blessed Ramadan and has the honour to cordially invite you to CMC’s Ramadan Iftar (dinner) to help raise funds for Gungahlin Mosque Project in the Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC) Hall Room 221 Clive Steele Avenue Monash ACT 2904 on Saturday 11 August 2012 from 4:30pm to 7:30 pm
The ACT Minister for Community Services and Multicultural Affairs Hon Ms Joy Burch MLA will be the Chief Guest of honour at the event.
The ACT Leader of the Opposition Hon Mr Zed Seselja MLA will be the Special Guest of honour at the event.
We at the CMC earnestly look forward to your kind presence in the Iftar/Dinner.
Please join your brothers and sisters from different communities to break the fast and pray together in blissful and blessed environment, In-Sha’a-Allah.
Was Salaam
Borhan Ahmed
President, CMC Inc
RSVP: By 30 July 2012:
Critically needed for catering purposes and to avoid waste for the fund-raising event
Br Borhan Ahmed, President: 0421 55 3171
Br Tanveer Khan, Vice President: 0434 078 745
Br Yasser Dabhoiwala, Secretary: 0422 379 986
Association Number: A03598 Established: May 2001
Postal Address: PO Box 273, Gungahlin ACT 2912
Striving to serve the community in the nation’s capital for our faith and heritage