Giridhara Gopala: Krishna Leela Margam (Indian Classical dance)

South Indian Fine Arts Association, Canberra ACT presents yet another dance spectacular by India’s leading classical dancer:
Ms Shobana Balachandra
Bharatanatyam dancer (Indian Classical dance) from Chennai, India
Giridhara Gopala: Krishna Leela Margam
(a multilingual production on krishna leela)
along with Gayatri Krishnamurthy & Anurati Krishnamurthy Gayatri & Shobana are the senior most disciples of the Dhananjayans, Chennai and students of Kalanidhi Narayanan.
Shobana Bhalcahandra, a senior disciple of the Dhananjayans and Kalanidhi Narayanan, presented an enjoyable recital whose key features were in-depth knowledge of the art and the expertise to present it with a fresh approach. Blessed with agility and stamina, it was quite remarkable to see the dancer perform perfectly. – The Hindu newspaper
Sunday, 14 October 2012 Time: 6.00pm National Gallery of Australia, Parkes, ACT
single: $25 at the Venue (pre book $22)
Students: $20 at the venue, (pre-book $18)
Family $65 (2Adults and 2Children under 12) at the venue, pre-book ($60)
Contact or email Gopal. or 0416 311 343
Direct deposit:
South Indian Fine Arts Association
BSB: 032-719
Acc No: 274543
Westpac bank