Bangladesh Night Annual Charity Dinner

Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra (BAAC) is organizing the annual charity dinner for the Bangladesh Night 2011. This year BAAC will make donation to “Walk for Life” to support their activities in Bangladesh in addressing the clubfoot deformity, a serious birth defect of human bones and joints (website-
The date/time and venue of the event are as follows:
Date & Time: Saturday, 2nd July 2011 starting at 5:30 pm.
Venue: Albert Hall, Commonwealth Avenue, Yarralumla, and ACT 2601
The program includes presentation of BAAC activities for the year 2010/11, presentation on the activities of “Walk for Life” & formal donation by BAAC, speech from special guests followed by traditional Bangladeshi dinner (catered by Banoful Restaurant, Sydney) and short cultural program.
Dinner ticket prices are as follows:
Per person – $ 35.00 ($5.00 discount for BAAC current members (paid fees for 2010/11) and for students above 12 years old.);
– Children under 12 yrs. – $20.00 and Children under 2 years are free
We cordially invite all Bangladeshi community members and their relatives & friends to attend and enjoy the event.
Please confirm your participation before 20 June 2011 to any BAAC EC member or directly to BAAC Treasurer Dr Kamal Ahmed by e-mail or 0403476190. The payment options for Bangladesh night dinner are:
– Directly (in person) to any BAAC EC member
– Through online payment to BAAC Commonwealth Bank account
Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra (BAAC)
Bank – Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account name– Society Cheque Acct
BSB 06 2900
Account Number – 1062 2354
BAAC will appreciate very much any additional amount donated for the charity organisation “Walk for life” for this good cause.
With regards
On be half of BAAC EC 2010/11
Mohammad Quadir Ziaul Hoque Bablu
President General Secretary
The Bangladesh Australia Association Canberra (BAAC), Inc
Post: GPO Box 2152, ACT 2601
Canberra, Australia. E-mail:
Dr Mohammad A Quadir, President, 0402 140 833,
Mr Syed As-Sayeed, Vice President, 0401 165 008,
Mr Ziaul Hoque Bablu, General Secretary, 0411 031 942,
Mr Md. Zillur Rahman, Joint Secretary, 0431 317 393,
Dr Kamal Ahmed, Treasurer, 0403 476 190,
Mrs Rumana Shoilee, Cultural Secretary, 0401 371 688,
Mr Farhadul Islam, Sports Secretary, 0413 820
Dr Nahida Bhuiyan, Member, 0412 090 769,
Dr Abul Hassan Syed, Member, 0403 270 277,
# please join the BAAC or renew your membership
## Please note BAAC AGM on July 24th