Public Lecture: Tipaimukh dam: the Socio-economic and environmental impact on Friday 3rd July, 2009, 3.30 PM

An Invitation : Public Lecture
ANU-BD Students Invite you to the public lecture
The data, the denial and the future?
Let there be light!
Tipaimukh dam: the Socio-economic and environmental impact India’s Tipaimukh Dam plan, built on the river Barak, which bifurcates into two streams as it enters Bangladesh as the rivers Surma and Kushiara, has been on the drawing board for nearly 40 years. According to the implementing agency, North Eastern Electric Power Corporation, this dam would have an installed capacity of 1,500MW of electricity. Efforts were made in the past to get the World Bank or JBIC to back the project, but their involvement is still elusive. It is costing India Rs 68 billion— an escalation from the earlier estimated expenditure of Rs 52 billion.
Negative impacts of large dams are very widely known around the world. A detailed study by the World Dam Commission published in 2000 says adverse impacts of any large dams are irreversible for the lower riparian region. The study after reviewing 1,000 dams from 79 countries concludes in its report: “The environmental impacts of dams are more negative than positive ones and in many cases dams have led to irreversible loss of species and ecosystems.”
At this stage, what actions and programmes are meaningful for Bangladesh? Can India be persuaded to abandon dam projects on international rivers in favor of alternative options for energy need?
Speaker panel
Mr. Jamie Pittock
Dr. Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
Dr. Nargis Akhter
Mr. Ekram Choudhury
Friday 3rd July, 2009, 3.30 PM, Lecture Theatre, Manning Clark Centre T5, Union Court, The Australian National University
Venue: Manning Clark Centre [26a]
This building is located in map GH32 at grid reference G3