Presentation of Tony Kent on 26/07/2009 in Canberra

Dear all,
“Let’s work for Bangladesh” is organizing a presentation of Mr. Tony Kent, Chair, CO-Operation in Development Australia (CO-ID) on “Fred Hyde- A story of Hope and Inspiration in Bangladesh”. His Excellency Lieutenant General Masud Uddin Chowdhury, High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Australia will be present at the presentation. Details of the program are as follows:
Date: 26.07.09, Sunday
Time: 10.15am SHARP
Venue: Bangladesh High Commission, 43, Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley, ACT-2606.
Please pass on this email to anyone who might be interested in this presentation. For further information about Fred Hyde please visit
Please join us on the day to support a good cause.
Thank you
Borhan uddin Shafi (Bijoy)
M: 0421708882