Join Bangla Radio Canberra and produce radio programs

Join Bangla Radio Canberra and produce radio programs

Bangla Radio Canberra invites people to join Bangla Radio and produce radio programs for the period Jan-Jun 2010. We will help you achieve the technical standard required. However, you will need to arrange material for a program of approximately 30 minutes and this can include about 15 minutes of music. The program must not breach any
Australian laws and must be consistent with a tolerant and inclusive viewpoint of Bangladesh and the world.

Most of the programs are in Bangla.

You are especially encouraged to become a producer if you feel that you can add a viewpoint or interest that is not covered by the current group of producers. You can produce as few as one program in the next six months. Bangla Radio is currently in its 11th year of unbroken weekly radio broadcasting and an archive of programs from 2005 is
available at

Please contact Sadequr Rahman on or Bangla Radio directly on by the 3rd of December if you are interested.

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