Iftar and dinner : provided by Bangladeshi Community at CIC on 29 August, Saturday

Iftar and dinner : provided by Bangladeshi Community at CIC on 29 August, Saturday

Canberra Islamic Centre (CIC)

(Australian National Islamic Library)

Ramadan Program

(August – September 2009)

Iftar & Dinner every Saturday

It is a long-standing tradition of CIC that each Saturday during the holy month of Ramadan, a different community caters for Iftar and dinner for the Muslims of Canberra. Alhumdolillah, the Muslim community support this with vigour and Masha-Allah, each Saturday we enjoy the company of more than 650 members of the community and invited guests.

Iftar and dinner for the five Saturdays during this Ramadan is being provided by the following communities:

This Saturday August 29th

The Bangladeshi Community

Sat Sept 5th

The United Arab Emirates Embassy

Sat Sept 12th

The Iranian Embassy

Sat Sept 19th

The Indian Community

(Previously) Sat August 22nd

The Pakistani Community

Taraweeh (Every evening starting at 8:00pm)

This year, with the generous assistance of the Libyan People’s Bureau, CIC is fortunate to have a Quran Hafiz leading the Isha and Taraweeh prayers.

Radio CIC broadcasting on Valley FM 89.5

This year, the Holy Month of Ramadan marks the first anniversary of CIC’s very own all-year round radio program “Radio CIC” broadcasting on Valley FM 89.5. During Ramadan, the program commences at 4:45pm and continues until Maghrib.

Radio CIC continues to bring you information about Islam, Ramadan and local community news and current affairs. Each day’s program will be streamed live on the CIC Website and replayed in the evening at 9:30pm. Other content such as lectures, Islamic music and stories will be streamed 24 hours. Visit http://www.islam-australia.org or click here to listen. For sponsorship and general enquiries email: radio.cic@live.com

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