Bangladesh Association of New South Wales Executive Committee for the year of 2009-2010

The Annual General Meeting 2008-2009 of Bangladesh Association of New South Wales Inc.
held on 25th October ,09 at 65 Spurway St. Ermington NSW-2115 followed by Election of
Executive Committee for the year of 2009-2010. Dr. Maksudul Bari conducted election as per
constitution of the association of BANSW.
The new committee has been elected as:President : Dr Narayan Das,
Vice President-1: Mr Mosharraf Hossain, Vice President-2: Mr Nasim Samad.
General Secretary: Advocate Mubarak Hossain, Assistant General Secretary: Mr Mahbubur Rahman,
Publication Secretary: Mr Farouk Iqbal JP, Cultural Secretary: Mr Sazzad Hossain.
And ExecutiveMembers are: Mr Mizanur Rahaman Taroon, Mr Mohammad Quayum, Mr Rahamat Ullah.
The association expecting all sort of help and your media support to strengthen it’s program and
activities in future as you and your all associates doing all our way.
Thanks and Cheers.
Farouk Iqbal JP
Publication Secretary.
Phone; 04 11 842 000