EID-Ul-ADHA Prayer TimeTable, Melbourne

EID-Ul-ADHA Prayer TimeTable, Melbourne


Dear Respected Community Members

The holy Eid-ul-Adha, one of the most auspicious festival in the Islamic calendar. The holy Eid –ul- Adha day of sacrifice will be celebratedSaturday (04/10/2014), Sunday (05/10/2014) in the Muslim community with much enthusiasm, prayers in congregations and sacrificing animals in the name of Almighty Allah (SWT). Each year, Eid brings happiness, peace, fortune, wishes for divine love among all the Muslims around the world. The Eid is celebrated on the 10th of Zilhajj month of the Hizri calendar as Prophet Ibrahim (AS) this day some 4,000 years ago, offered to sacrifice his beloved son Hazrat Ismail (AS) who willingly submitted to the will of his father to please Allah (SWT). But the Almighty in His benign mercy spared Ismail (AS) and instead sent an animal to be sacrificed. To commemorate this historic event, the Muslims all over the world slaughter sacrificial animals and draw inspiration from the unique example of sacrifice to please Allah (SWT) as shown by two great prophets – Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS).

On this glorious occasion Victorian Bangladeshi Community Foundation (VBCF) council wishes a happy Eid-ul- Adha to all the parents of Western Region Bengali School (WRBS), Bangladesh community members and Muslims around the world. We wish peace, progress, good health and prosperity for all. May Allah shower his countless blessings upon you and your family. May Allah (SWT) also accept and appreciate our sacrifice for Eid-ul-Adha and bless us all.

Kind Regards

Victorian Bangladeshi Community Foundation (VBCF)

Those would like to follow the decision of Board of Imams Victoria (BOIV), EID-Ul-ADHA will be on Saturday, 4 October and EID prayer schedule as follows:

Al Taqwa Mosque, Sayers Road, Truganina: 7.30am
Virgin Merry Mosque, Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing
– 1st Jamaat : 8.00am
– 2nd Jamaat: 9.15am
Maidstone Mosque, 34 Studley Street, Maidstone: 8.00am
*City Mosque, Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne: 7:30am
[City Eid prayer organised by Jeffcott Mosque 66-68 Jeffcott St, West Melbourne]

Those would like to follow the decision of Hilal Committee & Jamiatul Ulamaa Australia (Based on Moon Sighting), EID-Ul-ADHA will be on Sunday, 5 October and Eid prayer schedule as follows:

Wyndham Park Community Centre, 55-57 Kookaburra Ave Werribee: 8:00am (Men Only)
Fawkner Mosque, 17 Baird street, Fawkner: 7.45am (Men Only)
Huntingdale Mosque, 322 Huntingdale Road, Huntingdale: 8.30am

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