Donation for a New Mosque at Palmerston, Darwin, NT

Donation for a New Mosque at Palmerston, Darwin, NT
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Attached is a fund raising flyer for a Mosque at Palmerston, Darwin , Northern Territory . I am living in this area since 1999 and I know how difficult it is for the Muslims of Palmerston to attend regular prayers at Darwin Mosque due to distance . Considering this difficulties in 2003 we started the process of acquiring a land from the NT Government. Alhamdullillah by the help of Allah after overcoming many hurdles in 2009 finally we received a 7,400 sq.m crown leased land. Now we are starting the first stage of the project of building a temporary prayer hall. Unfortunately we are short of money and need your help.
In this month of Ramadan I will request you all to donate as much as possible to start this new house of Allah in Australia .
I will request you all to forward this e-mail to all of your friends and relatives nationally and internationally.
Please also print a copy of the flyer and post it to your local Mosque.
If any one of you like to collect some fund after the Jumma Prayers in your local Mosque on behalf of us please contact us with the detail of the Mosque and it’s executive committee so we can take proper permission from them.
May Allah help us all in this blessed month of Ramadan.
Chowdhury Md. SADARUDDIN
Islamic Council of Northern Territory
PO Box 3929
Palmerston , NT 0830
Tel: 0417 608 179

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