Bangladesh Cricket Team at Darwin, Chowdhury Sadaruddin reporting from Darwin

This afternoon around 15:00 Hrs the Bangladesh National Cricket Team arrived at Darwin. The team will be playing total of 5 practice matches, 4 against the AIS Team and 1 aginst the NT Chief Ministers Team. And the 3 ODI’s against Australia will be held on 30th August, 3rd and 6th September. Around 30 among 120 Bangladeshis living in Darwin welcomed the team at the Airport. Local Bangladeshi Muneer and his young friends organised the welcome party with flowers, banners and flag of Bangladesh. Traditionally dressed Bangladeshis welcomed the team with flower and slogans. Few photos of the team and the welcome party at the airport. The event was well covered by media and local ABC and Channel Nine will be broadcasting the arrival news in there TV news of tonight.
News and photos by Chowdhury Sadaruddin from Darwin