BEN, Australia Celebrates World Environment Day 2011

Bangladesh Environment Network (BEN), Australia celebrated the World
Environment Day 2011 (WED2011) in Canberra through Planting Trees, publishing online Special Supplement (World-Environment-Day-by-BEN-Secial Issue), organising Environmental Discussion, and participating a Rally across Commonwealth Bridge to Parliament House to express BEN’s concern at the need for immediate action on climate change in Australia, Bangladesh and other parts of the globe. The Rally raised voices for Bangladesh which is affected the most by the climate change.
On 13 June 2011, BEN organized the environmental discussion followed by a cultural program at the Hall room of the Bangladesh High Commission, Canberra. BEN Convener, Dr Ajoy Kar welcomed the participants and encouraged all members to contribute to the discussion, while BEN Coordinator, Mr Kamrul Ahsan Khan led the discussion session which was attended by the High Commissioner for Bangladesh, His Excellency Major General Masud Uddin Chowdhury, Environmental Activists, Academics, Community Leaders and others.
Mr Khan emphasized the need for non-resident Bangladeshis to work along with non-Bangladeshi Australian in Australia to combat climate change in Bangladesh. Mr Walter Jehne, an Environmental Activist in Canberra, said Bangladesh has an opportunity to use her huge amount of sunshine, water, nutrient and carbon dioxide to build a very big carbon sequestration.
Expressing his concern, the High Commissioner said that Bangladesh being the least contributor to the climate change, she is suffering the most. He said, most people in the developed countries, even people in Australia, do not realize the consequences of climate change. Considering the severity of consequences of climate change, the High Commissioner proposed the Minister for Climate Change in Australian to send a high profile delegate to Bangladesh to witness the sufferings of people affected by the climate change. He praised BEN’s activity to educate people towards environment and climate change here in Australia and Bangladesh. Discussion was enriched by the active participation of Dr Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Dr Ezaz Mamun, Mr Geoff Lazarus and Mr Wieslaw Lichacz.
The discussion meeting touched the heart of all when young speaker Arara Kar, with master Aurpan Kar and master Plaabon Das, took the microphone and requested all seniors to ‘act now to save future of the children’
Inspirational songs on World Environment Day presented by Canberra’s Band ‘Son of Rut’ and Mr Avijit Sarker were highly praised by the audience.
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