ABBC holds AGM and elects new Executive Committee

ABBC holds AGM and elects new Executive Committee

Australia Bangladesh Business Council (ABBC) held its 11th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 April, 2018 at the ‘Rowers on Cooks River’ in Sydney’s Wolli Creek. Most of the financial members of the organisation attended the AGM, discussed general business and elected a new executive committee for the term 2018-2020.

During the first part of the AGM, the outgoing Chairperson, Monirul Islam, mentioned that from a modest start in 2004, ABBC has become a peak-body for bi-lateral trade and investment between Australia and Bangladesh. The outgoing Secretary, Asif Kawnine, gave an account of the key activities performed by the organisation in the last couple of years which highlights the excellent achievement by the council this term. Monirul Islam and Asif Kawnine both thanked all members of the organisation for their support in making ABBC the vibrant business platform that it is. Kamrul Islam, the outgoing Treasurer, reported the financials of ABBC through which it was evident that the organisation has created a much healthier financial position over the term in comparison to any earlier terms. An ordinary resolution was tabled at the AGM to modify the membership fee structure as of 1st of July 2018 and the members voted to pass the resolution.

Upon conclusion of general business, the committee was dissolved by the Chairperson and an election for a new committee was conducted by Enam Hoque as election commissioner with Abu Reza Arefin and Dr. Wali Ul Islam assisting him in the conduction. Members exercised their voting rights to elect the new executive committee. Asif Kawnine, the outgoing Secretary was unanimously voted to be the incoming Chairperson for the new term. Nirmalya Talukder, Mohammed Sarker, Javed Hoque and Adbul Hoque were elected Vice-chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Eight executive members were elected as well of which the outgoing Chairperson Monirul Islam was unanimously voted to be honorarily included. The remaining seven executive member positions were well contested by thirteen individuals and members elected their choices.

Newly formed Executive Committee of ABBC for 2018-2020

Position Name

Chairperson – Asif KAWNINE
Vice-Chairperson – Nirmalya TALUKDER
Secretary – Mohammed SARKER
Assistant Secretary – Javed HOQUE
Treasurer – Abdul HOQUE
Executive Member – Monirul ISLAM
Executive Member – Kamrul ISLAM
Executive Member – Mohammad ZAMAN
Executive Member – Helal SARKAR
Executive Member – Rahmat ULLAH
Executive Member – Ashrafi MIAN
Executive Member – Hossain ARJU
Executive Member – Mohammad HOSSAIN

Once the new office bearers and executive committee was elected, Enam Hoque and Jehangir Alam was elected in the Advisory Board of the Australia Bangladesh Business Council.


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