Looking for new owner team for our popular site PriyoAustralia

Looking for new owner team for our popular site PriyoAustralia

What is priyoaustalia:
Online news daily, 1st and only nationwide Bangali community website in Austarlia. Details at https://priyoaustralia.com.au/aboutus.html

Web Stats:
1,931,778 hits per month (last 12 months average; May 2012 to April 2013); 64,393 hits per day

What included with the ownership transfer:
Virtually everything related to PriyoAustralia online operations, like CMS, E-groups, Author base etc. which also includes last 14 years good web presence reputations.

Ownership transfer cost:
FREE (conditions may apply)

Who can apply:
Anyone from Australia who has interest on Australia and Australian Bangali community.

How to apply:
E-mail us your full Express of Interest (EOI) with your detail proposal (why you are interested and what is your plan for priyoaustralia) on shahadatmanik@yahoo.com [proposed Team owner should consider, at least 1 Web Manager, 1 Web developer (with php, html etc. knowledge), couple of News Editor with experience (fluent in Bangla and English writing), 1 Graphics Designer and few other obvious skill personals in his team, according to the proposed future plan submission, stated in EOI. Plaease include one page CV for all team members with experience highlights. You may consider any name(s) from our current editorial team, with their permission, except Shahadat Manik.]

Questions, query or comments please email to shahadatmanik@yahoo.com

Your e-mail EOI should reach us by 30 June 2013. Younger teams are most welcome.

Hands on training will be provided for CMS, Event calendar and the other related component as necessary for free of cost. Please note, all legal contract, transfer fees related to PriyoAustralia.com.au, will be new owner teams (whoever receive the official offer from us) responsibility.

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